And while I was in Daphne, Alabama, visiting the parentals, I stopped in at the local Barnes & Noble to sign stock of my books SORORITY 101: ZETA OR OMEGA? and SORORITY 101: THE NEW SISTERS. I was thrilled when then manager said he'd display them at the featured to a triva book about my Crimson Tide that he said is "flying" off the shelf.
While I was there, I checked out some of my friend's books!
Here's Tera Lynn's book...
And BOTH of Stephanie's books...
But my favorite view of all...the view from my beach house. Ahhhh...does it get any better than this?
What are you going to do to celebrate (mourn?) the end of summer? Let us know!
Marley = )
SORORITY 101: Zeta or Omega? (Available Now! Puffin Books)
SORORITY 101: The New Sisters (Available Now! Puffin Books)
GHOST HUNTRESS Series (Coming May 2009, Houghton Mifflin)
Hey, Marley, your vacation sounds perfect! SSSS: Sun, surf and signing stock.
My summer has already ended, alas, with my kids back at school. And I am "celebrating" by finishing the darn book that's due next month!
Great pics, Marley! I'm so glad you are having fun. I'm really hoping we have an extended summer this year because I don't even want to think about having the kids cooped up inside. I am a bit tired of sweeping up sand though. :)
Wonderful pics, Marley! I'm so glad you're enjoying the end of your summer. Mine already feels over. Maybe a BBQ this weekend and even though school will already be started my block always has and annual block party the first week in September so that will be fun.
I'm not even goign to get an end of summer vacation. I can't get everyones schedules together!
I love my teens, but they are so busy!
I'm spending as much time as possible at the parks, lake, trails, etc .. .everything outside before it gets too cold.
Beach.... my favorite spot for vacation trips.
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