I grew up in a town of about 1500 people. Our library was small to put it mildly. I would love to say that our town librarian was a sweet woman who inspired me to become a writer. Unfortunately, nothing could be farther from the truth. Our librarian was the nastiest, most hateful woman alive. My friends and I were convinced that she rode a broom to work. She would eyeball us like we were kleptomaniacs. If I couldn't find something I was looking for, I didn't dare ask her for fear that she would throw me in some secret closet and use me later as an ingredient for one of her potions.

My friends never had the love of reading that I did so they tired of her nasty comments. Soon I was all alone venturing into the library to find more books to quench my reading thirst. Instead of nurturing my love of reading and helping me find books that would have expanded my love of the written word, she would gripe that I was "back again already". Eventually, I stopped going and relied on the book orders from school and the occasional trip to the bookstore.
I've thought of this woman many times over the years and wondered how many potential readers for life she crushed under her wicked tongue. Luckily, my love of books won out over anything she could have said to me. I did, however, have an unfortunate stereotype of librarians stuck in my head. I couldn't help thinking that they were all old, crusty, and practiced some sort of witchcraft using children in their potions.
Thanks to the Internet I have come into contact with many librarians across the U.S. who have blown my stereotype of librarians away. They are some of the most passionate booklovers on the planet. Nothing makes them feel better than matching a reader with the perfect book. They will go out of their way for authors to spread the word about their books. They are an author and reader's best friend. They even go to extremes to get kids/adults excited about reading. They want your book to succeed. They want you to write more books. They are even devoted readers of blogs just like this one.
And just like you, sometimes they like to take a long lunch with a cool drink and enjoy one of the Buzz Girl's awesome books.

Sometimes they even like to paint their toenails to match their favorite book cover. You can't get much more dedicated to books than that. Thanks to Chuck the golfing librarian from GA for the laugh! How cool would it be to have him for your librarian?
So thank you to all those crazy librarians who will do just about anything to get their patrons excited about books. Are you a librarian or did one influence your love of reading?
ps- Come help me celebrate the release of Linda Gerber's Death by Latte. Read my blog post on the only time I lied to my mom (okay, that's a lie) and have a chance to win a copy of Twisted Sisters and lots of other great YA novels. http://lindagerber.blogspot.com/
Chuck! :) You're...divine! And now I understand why you told me on Facebook last night that you'd "see" me here this morning. In fact, I am seeing you...
Steph, I have no memory of my children's librarian, although I visited the place constantly. It was on the large side, and I think I went from having my mother help me to simply choosing myself. And maybe our librarian changed frequently?
Anyway, I've always thought that libraries were the happiest places on earth, and the main reason I didn't become one myself was I learned I'd need a Master's Degree. And I was SOOOO not a student!
Aw Chuck, I'm touched. (And more than a little scared--I'm wearing almost the identical color on my toes!)
I was never a huge library person as a kid (whenever I checked books out they magically returned late every time). Plus, we moved around a lot so I never knew one librarian for more than a year or two.
Instead, my book hunger was quenched by the Scholastic catalogs and book fairs.
Like you, Steph, I'm now getting to know so many awesome librarians and am amazed by their knowledge and dedication. Kids and teens today are very lucky.
I feel pretty oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright...
The complete story behind this is too exhausting to tell, but needless to say, I too now have a favorite shade of OPI polish -- "Blue-Toed Sloth", or maybe I should call it "Blue-Footed Boobie". (Can I say "Boobie" on this blog?)
Chuck, you're great!! Love pics, and I think I need to start painting my toe nails to match the current book I'm reading!!
Great post, Steph!!
Oh, yes, Chuck, OPI, the "official nail polish" of the Buzz Girls blog! :)
Chuck!!! That is hi-LAR-ious!!! Good job, too? Nice color on you. LOL!!! = )
P.S. I'm blogging today at Linda Gerber's online launch too - http://www.lindagerber.com/blog
Thanks for weighing in everybody! And thanks to Chuck for the classic picture! :)
Too funny. what a great librarian!
I've always been interested in books. Our town library was so small that librarians weren't always there. Little old ladies were there. and when i was in middle school/early high school, i would take out roughly 10-15 books a week (i still have that problem, though i've graduated to about 30) and they would make snide comments about me leaving books for other people. i used to get so frustrated. then a few years later, i worked at the same library. and then i took out more books, but i never did get over those comments. they didn't inspire me to become a librarian, my love of books did.
Chuck rocks!
Love librarians! Love Chuck's toes. Awesome.... :)
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