Tomorrow (Wednesday, September 24) the teens and tweens of Davidson Public Library, outside beautiful Charlotte, NC, will be meeting and discussing none other than OH. MY. GODS.

This is my first (known) library discussion group for OMG and I am beyond excited. I might have gone a little crazy because I called the library yesterday and offered to send some fun goodies (aka bookmarks and buttons). The librarian in charge of the program might have been a little freaked out. In a good way.
So, to the readers of Davidson Public Library I say, "Have fun and let me know what you guys talked about!"
OH. MY. GODS. (available now!)
GODDESS BOOT CAMP (coming June 2009)
Hey, TLC, how exciting! And yes, please, Davidson Public Library teens, visit us and let us know what you talked about!
that's awesome. how fun!
Very cool! They are in for a treat. The Chix N' Lil bookclub will also be discussing this fabu book next month! Everyone was so excited to get their buttons and bookmarks on Sunday!
Davidson is part of the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County. It is a very progressive and innovative system. The fact that they chose your book is no suprise!
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