Fast forward twenty-five years and the very same library is filled with women who encourage every childs love of reading. My boys were lucky enough to participate in their wonderful summer reading program. I know some people are against the idea of giving prizes for reading but I just can't see the downside. Prizes + reading = awesomeness in my opinion. Every week we would religiously fill out their reading logs and turn them in. Every week they got certificates for free ice cream cones, mini-golf, hamburgers, etc. They were so excited to turn in their logs each week. Yesterday was the reward party for all the children who turned in their reading log for all eight weeks. They brought in a snake expert who taught them all about snakes then handed out prizes. I'm pretty sure I let out a yelp when my six-year-old won FIRST place for reading the most books in his age group!!!
They even sponsored an adult reading program. I managed to read ten books since June 1st. I won't know the results until next week. I'm sure someone outread me but I had just as much fun filling out my book log every week as the kids.
Does your library offer a summer reading program and did you participate?
Happy reading!