Monday, February 05, 2007

Mark Wahlberg Gets An Oscar Nod!

Continuing with the entertainment theme this week, I’m taking this opportunity to make noise about Mark Wahlberg getting an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his role in “Departed”!

Not that I’ve seen the movie. It’s not out on DVD yet (and despite good intentions, I didn't get to the theater), but that isn’t going to stop me from applauding, hooting, and even making some cat-calls over his nomination. Because I’ve seen just about everything he’s done--his fine, uh, body of work--and watched him transform from a rapper-kid-with-some-lines

to a powerful presence who commands the screen. So I’m going with my gut here, along with his stellar reviews on this role, to support my big mouth.

If you haven’t seen him in the teen classic “No Fear” with Reese Witherspoon--do. And I thought him compelling in “Three Kings”, in and “The Perfect Storm” (where, even though I heard he suffered from persistent motion sickness, he stole my heart as one of the doomed fishermen). I loved his humor in “The Italian Job”. I was scared to death of him as the powerfully tormented older brother in “Four Brothers”.

And recently, he brought me to me to tears as the local-boy-does-good in “Invincible”.

So congratulations to the scintillating Mark Walhberg for this Oscar recognition.

And may I just say as long as he keeps making movies, you can bet I’ll keep watching...

Top Ten Uses for An Unworn Prom Dress, March, 2007
How to Hook a Hottie, Spring 2008


Anonymous said...

You forgot one of my favorite movies of his..Boogie Nights. But that's because it protrayed an industry which I was involved with for many years.
He definitely has come a long way in his career.

Anonymous said...

isn't it "The Departed?"

TinaFerraro said...

Anonymous--you're absolutely right. Thanks for the correction on the movie title. Guess my brain went soft while scanning the pictures. :)


Marley Gibson said...

OOo...thanks for the eye candy, Tina! I have to say my favorite Marky Mark movie is ROCK STAR with Jennifer Aniston. Great move, great music, great time capsule. Can't wait for THE DEPARTED to be released -- on my Netflix list!

Marley = )

Natalie said...

Hey Tina,

I hadn't realized he'd done such versatile roles...I saw The Perfect Storm and don't even know if I realized that was him!

Thanks for the post...maybe he'll be cast as the lead when Hollywood buys the film rights to your book! And maybe you'll have the final say in the casting, and he'll have to be extra nice to you because he knows you hold the strings that could get him the role. *sigh* Let me know if you'll be needing an assistant during the casting call. ;-)


TinaFerraro said...

Thanks, Janie and Marley, and yes, I should have added references and pictures from BOOGIE NIGHTS and ROCK STAR. Next Mark Wahlberg post, I promise!

And Natalie, LOL, great idea about casting him in the PROM DRESS movie-- although I suppose he'd have to play the 40 year-old dad. And I don't think any of us are quite ready to look at him like that yet.

Maybe I'll have to start something new...tailor-made for him...and yeah, you'll definitely be "in" on those casting decisions.


stephhale said...

sorry for the extra comment, I'm having trouble with my logon. why did they have to go and change stuff?

marky mark rulz!

Me said...

But you can't forget that before Mark was even Marky Mark, he was Donnie Wahlberg's little brother! (Hmmm, New Kids...)

He definitely has come into his own. And The Italian Job is one of my favorite all-time movies. I haven't seen The Departed yet, but it's on my must-see list. Can't wait 'til Oscars night.


Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

I remember when he was Markie-Mark! haha! Yes, he's talented and handsome--great post, Tina! Good luck to him!

Dona Sarkar-Mishra said...

Tina: I saw The Departed and loved it...lots and lots of language though. But I found the movie fun and suspenseful...and yes, Mark was a hottie :)

TinaFerraro said...

Thanks, Steph, Tera and Kelly--yep, he's one versatile hottie!

Dona, thanks for the first-hand report on the movie. It's top of my Netflix list.

And Susan, about NO FEAR (or sometimes called FEAR), uh, yeah, on the rollercoaster scene. :) And he really had that bad boy persona down, huh?
