Kicking things off, I have the pleasure of interviewing the lovely Tera Lynn Childs.

She has numerous happy happenings going on in her life:
--Her first book, OH. MY. GODS., is being released by Dutton on May 1st!

--OH. MY. GODS. got its first official review, which includes such “buzz” phrases as "" and "a really fun, funny, and heartwarming story." Check it out here:
Advanced Reader
--OH. MY. GODS. showed up on the top of the pile--as it should!--of Advanced Reader Copies in Publisher's Weekly's ShelfTalker blog. Check out that pretty pink cover:
--And here are some upcoming appearances:
April 17 -- Young Adult/Teen panel w/ BuzzGirl Stephanie Hale at Romantic Times Convention in Pittsburgh, PA, RT
May 10 -- Writing For Teens: Rules Need Not Apply workshop at West Houston RWA in Houston, TX, West Houston RWA
June 28 -- Beginnings, Middles, and Ends workshop w/ critique partner Sharie Kohler/Sophie Jordan SharieKohler and SophieJordan at Bay Area Writers League in Webster, TX.
July 30-August 2 -- Building Buzz in YA workshop w/ the BuzzGirls and Literacy Autographing at RWA National Conference in San Francisco, CA, RWA National.
And last but not least, she’s in the middle of revising her "doomed-to-remain-untitled" sequel.
This woman is a rock star, and I’m so proud to know her. Join me in congratulating Tera!
Tina Ferraro
How to Hook a Hottie, out now
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress, out now
Tera, & Tina,
Let me be the first to congratulate you this morning. I can't wait to read your book and to see you again in San Francisco.
Great TLC facts, Tina! And as one of the very lucky few who have gotten an early peek at OH MY GODS, I have to say that I think it is going to be THE book of the summer! :)
I'm so excited for your book to come out. Such a fun premise!
Thanks Janie, Steph, and Teri for the support! And thanks T for the fab write-up. Wanna be my press secretary? =)
"Wanna be my press secretary?" asks TLC.
T: "Sure, if you'll be mine!" You do great promo, TLC!
Congrats, tera!
And, looking at the PW blog, that's marley's book (as Kate Harmon) right beneath yours! How fun!
Wow! You have so much going on TLC! Congrats on all the good news... I can't wait to buy the book!
Whoooooooohooooooooooooo Tina!!!!!!
So proud of you!
oopsies...posted comment on the wrong page. TLC...I'm proud of YOU!!! = )
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