But, during that time, I finally experienced one of the hottest items on the market and had the coolest time with it.
Yes...I have Wii'd.
OMG. What fun it was!!!
And it's not just for kids. Anyone can play it. It's soooooooo much fun and so easy.
You know how funerals turn into impromptu family reunions? Well, when I was in Baltimore last weekend, we ended up in a very rowdy, competitive Wii tournament. There was ping pong and doubles tennis and -- the one I excelled at -- bowling. Once I got the rhythm of letting go of the button once I went into my bowling wind up, I bowled several strikes in a row!!! Wow...it was as thrilling as if I were at the bowling alley.
I loved how the characters had no legs or feet! LOL!
Who knew you could get exercise out of it? I worked up a sweat and was even a little sore the next day! I loved it! Why don't I have one of these? Why doesn't everywhere I go have one of these? It's phenomenal and has changed my life!
I vow to be Wii-ing from now on!
Have you Wii'd? What's your favorite game? What do you recommend?
Marley = )
SORORITY 101: Zeta or Omega? (May 2008, Puffin Books)
SORORITY 101: The New Sisters (May 2008, Puffin Books)
GHOST HUNTRESS SERIES (May 2009, Houghton Mifflin)
Marley, I hear about Wii's all the time, but I've never seen one. You have totally piqued my interest! Way cool!
And work fast on Ghost Huntress! I can't wait!
Hi Marley wii missed you:) You know I camped our for the Wii for my son the Christmas before last. I'm a crazy Mama! But he was sooo happy. I love the Wii bowling. I don't play it much because when I get on I don't want to stop and let some one else get a turn.
Love the Wii! I always love the Zelda games, and I'm really looking forward to MarioKart. Smash Brothers is supposed to be excellent. (I have ex-sci fi editor friends who are lords of the geek underworld, so I know more about this than I really should...)
So sorry to hear about the death in your family. Hugs to you!
The only Wii-ing I've done is bowling. It's addictive! And somehow I still got bowler's elbow -- go figure!
Glad to have you back...
More hugs,
No Wii-ing here. I get addicted to stuff like that too easily. Sims? Don't even go there with me.
I don't remember which game it was, I'm sure it was a Mario something or other...anyway, they had dueling. Holy cow that was fun and HARD! But I was totally addicted after that.
(Right now, we're addicted to RockBand. We're kinda like the Partridge family without the bus)
I've never played Wii before. I imagine it would highly addictive though. My kids play Guitar Hero and Rock Band. It's almost a sickness:)
My boys are just now getting into video games. We have never played Wii, although it looks like a total blast! I wonder if they will still be impossible to get next year? I've always wanted to play Dance, Dance Revolution. Anybody played that one?
Mel and Maria, Rock Band has been blasting at my house since Christmas. But not Wii. We have XBox.
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