Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pick My Favorite (WIN WIN WIN)

Sunday girl, here, to close out the "Favorite Line From Our Books" week. (Psst, next week is "Favorite Group We Were In" week, in honor of Steph Hale's new release, TWISTED SISTERS. Ha ha, Tina, beat you to it!) Anyway, so I'm supposed to present my favorite line from OH. MY. GODS. But that's hard! I mean, how do I go through a book that took hours upon hours of blood, sweat, and tears (great band, btw) to write, and pick just one favorite line?

Well ... I couldn't. I picked three instead.

Favorite Line #1: The original opening. In OH. MY. GODS., California girl Phoebe Castro is about to start her senior year at the same L.A. school she's gone to since Kindergarten, where she has her two best friends (Nola and Cesca) and she's the superstar of the cross-country team. Then her mom returns from a family reunion in Greece with a fiance and announces they're moving to the tiny, practically uninhabited island of Serfopoula. In the original opening, Phoebe has just found this out before the story starts and is complaining to her bffs. (In the final version, this line is on page 10.)

"Who's ever even heard of Serfopoula anyway?"

Favorite Line #2: The current opening. During the revision process, my editor and I decided we needed to see Phoebe in her L.A. element before throwing her for a loop with the whole moving-to-Greece thing. Instead of opening with her whining, we open with her about to win the final race at the USC cross-country camp. (Right before Mom shows up to ruin everything.)

When I'm running I can almost feel my dad at my side.

Favorite Line #3: This is the line the shifts Phoebe's world completely off tilt. She and her mom are on the boat to Serfopoula when Damian, her new stepdad, shares some surprising information about the the "benefactors" of the school she's about to attend--the ultra-exclusive Academy where he is the headmaster.

"There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act."

There they are, my three favorite lines. (At least, the three that aren't also spoilers.) But I can't decide which one is my ultimate favorite ... so I'd like you to.

But Tera, you say, the title says WIN WIN WIN. You haven't said anything about winning yet. What can we win?

Greedy, aren't we?

Okay, okay. Everyone who comments with their pick for the favorite of my favorites will be entered in a drawing to win an advanced galley copy of OH. MY. GODS! (If you win, then you can pick your own favorite line.) You have until midnight Monday, Pacific time.

Let the winning begin.

OH. MY. GODS. -- Dutton, available May 1st!


Anonymous said...

i really like:
"There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act."

Elainareads said...

Hmm thats kinda hard but I think I would have to go with:
"Who's ever even heard of Serfopoula anyway?"

I can't wait to read your book!! =D

Anonymous said...

thats a original one!

i choose...There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act.

the story siren said...

i'm going to have to go with line #1!

"Who's ever even heard of Serfopoula anyway?"

i mean who really has heard of Serfopoula? not me!

can't wait for Oh. My. Gods.!!!

TinaFerraro said...

I like "When I'm running, I can almost feel my dad at my side." Because it tells me much about her inner struggle and strength.

But PS, TLC, you're going to have to "steal" the next week's announcement from me another time because this week I'm Friday Girl! :)

Can't wait to read the book!

AnimeJune said...

I'd have to say the third one: "There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act." I just recently clued into your site (I've been searching for romance writer blogs as I'm thinking of becoming one), and THIS is the line that made me want to read your book.

I've got a huge weakness for Greek mythology, and especially for fictional books that make use of it (see: PC Cast's "Goddess" books).

Me said...

(Darnit, Tina, for thwarting my thunder-stealing!)

Here's the tally so far:

#1 -- 2 votes
#2 -- 1 vote
#3 -- 3 votes

Keep 'em coming!

(AnimeJune--so glad you found us! I adore PC Cast. I just finished her first YA, MARKED, and it was amazing. The premise is that vampyres originate from the goddess Nyx!)

Anonymous said...

My favorite has to be "When I'm running, I can almost feel my dad at my side."

Linda Warren said...

My fav is #2 (When I'm running,I can almost feel my dad by my side)It peaks my interest amd makes me wonder why the character feels that way.
Can't wait to read the book to find out.

Kwana said...

I'm gonna vote for #1 "Who's ever even heard of Serfopoula anyway?" It instantly got me intererested. Great line!

Me said...

And now they're tied!!!

Current tally:

#1 -- 3 votes
#2 -- 3 votes
#3 -- 3 votes

If we get tons of votes (say, more than 25?) I'll double your chances by giving away 2 copies!!!

Anonymous said...

hm. I think my favourite would have to be #2.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to go with line #1...priceless.

You know last weekend I went to the bookstore to purchase a copy of OMGS and found that it wasn't out yet...I'm sure the folks at my local Chapters thought I was nuts because I was so excited and so certain they had it...

Anyway can't wait to read the book when it finally makes its way to store shelves!


Anonymous said...

I like #3--"There is little the Greek Gods cannot do when they choose to act." What foreshadowing! What potential!

Melissa said...

I really like number 2. Gets me to wondering why she's thinking about her dad. Can't wait to read the book!


C E said...

Sorry, girls.

I'm a guy.

We're all about raw power, so

"There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act."

has to be my favorite line.

Chuck Emerson

Anonymous said...

I love the first line:

"Who's ever even heard of Serfopoula anyway?"

I can't wait to read your book!


Rachael Stein said...

my fav:
There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act.

sounds so cool :D

Me said...

Peeking in from a full day of revisions for a new tally:

#1 -- 5 votes
#2 -- 5 vote
#3 -- 6 votes

(Sirena--funny story! It's good to shake up those booksellers every so often.)

Anonymous said...

I definitely like #3 the best...I guess because it's the most ironic?...

stephhale said...

You already know that I love all of your lines, but if I HAVE to pick, I'll say,

When I'm running I can almost feel my dad at my side.

Just because running is such a huge part of who Phoebe is and it's a perfect beginning! :)

Meredith said...

I like the first line. It cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

"There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act."

This is my FAVORITE LINE!!! I can't wait till your book comes out it seems sooooo intersting!!!


Jo Anne said...

# 2 does it for me, Tera. They're all great - # 1 (unique setting), # 3 (unique external plot), but as a woman, I choose the emotion. All excellent set-ups. Can't wait to read it.

Anonymous said...

My pick would have to be: "There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act." It's so... portentious!

Unknown said...

Hey Tera!

I like all of them, but I have to say I like #2 the best. I can relate to it, but I'd say: When I'm baking, I can almost feel my great grandmother by my side. She died 7 months before I was born and she LOVED to do I.

Chelsie said...

"Who's ever even heard of Serfopoula anyway?"

That's my favorite =P I don't know why, it's just hilarious.


Anonymous said...

I'd definately say that...
"Who's ever even heard of Serfopoula anyway?" my favorite line. i know exactly how that feels and said the same thing when my mother informed me she was getting married and we were moving!

I can't wait to read it!!

WannabeWriter said...

"There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act."

I like it. It sounds really wise. Well, of course it does, coming from the headmaster.

:] Paige

Anonymous said...

Hey Tera,
I like number 2 the best. It tells me the most about your character.
I can't wait to read the book.


Emily said...

I have got to pick line #2 as my favorite. It makes me think about my dad, who lives on the other side of the country, and also makes me curious as to why she's thinking about him as she runs.

Anonymous said...

I really like the "THere is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act." I know how true that is seeing as I have read a lot about Greek mythology.

Unknown said...

#3 is my favorite...too funny. And the title ROCKS. I would buy it for that alone. :)

Melissa said...

My favourite is "There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act."

can't wait to read the book!!

Breanna said...

I'd have to say that my favorite of those three is "There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act."

It just sounds great!

Me said...

Eek! I'm losing track.

Current tally:

#1 -- 8 votes
#2 -- 10 vote
#3 -- 14 votes

We're starting to get a leader! And I'm definitely upping the giveaway to at least 2 copies. If we hit 50 votes, I'll make it 3!

Shari Green said...

Tough call! But I'm going with "When I'm running I can almost feel my dad at my side."

LOVE the title, btw. :)

Anonymous said...

I really liked, "When I'm running, I can almost feel my dad at my side." It reminds me how our love ones are always there someone even when they're gone. The other ones were great too, but I thought this one was really easy to relate to.

Chelsea said...

My favorite is line #2! Hard to pick, though; they're all good!

Anonymous said...

It's got to be #2! Nobody likes to run alone and who better to run with than "dear ol' dad"!
BTW, If I win, the book will go into the collection of my library. :)

Anonymous said... favorite quote will have to be "Who's ever even heard of Serfopoula anyway?"

What is a Seropoula anyway??

Anonymous said...

My fav is definitley number 3 "There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act."

I can't wait to read Oh.My Gods. I laugh every time I hear the title! :]


Anonymous said...

You soooo know me, TLC!

I bet you could guess my fav line:

"When I'm running, I can almost feel my dad at my side."

Sniff ... love that emotionally evocative stuff!


Donna Caubarreaux said...

I loved line two...about her showed her character. Very touching.

Me said...

Almost at the end of Day One (only 27 voting hours left) and we have a lead change.

Current tally:

#1 -- 9 votes
#2 -- 16 vote
#3 -- 15 votes

(Sharie--this is me dying of not surprise.)

(Golfinglibrarian--you will not sway me with promises of multiple readers [hahaha]. Comment numbers will be plugged into a randomizer.)

(Tina--am 2 comments away from being all-time comment champion, mwahaha!)

Anonymous said...

Line #1. Definitely. Too funny!

Betty Dravis said...

My favorite line is: When I'm running I can almost feel my dad at my side.

An author is supposed to make her audience FEEL for the character and this arouses strong feelings and makes the reader wonder.

Unknown said...

My favorite would have to be:
"There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act."
I truly can't wait to read this book!

DeenaML said...

#3! #3! I always had a thing for the Greek Gods.

TinaFerraro said...

Hey, TLC, I think this comment brings you to 50--a new record! You win! (Does this mean I win an ARC ;))

TJ Brown said...

"Who's ever heard of Serfopoula, anyway?"

It's so teen:)

Anonymous said...

What if I were to promise to PURCHASE multiple copies for the multiple libraries in my system? :)

On you next post, I promise to make so many stupid/lame comments that you'll have your record back and you'll keep it for a very long time! :)

Chuck the Golfing Librarian

Regina said...

"Who's ever heard of Serfopoula, anyway?" I love this line - I want to Google Serfopoula! (I can barely spell this word let alone say it, but don't tell anyone since I'm supposed to be a librarian, hahaha...

TinaFerraro said...

You're great, Chuck! And we certainly appreciate your "addictions," which as I recall are Classic Coke, golf, and leaving comments on YA blogs.

Oh--wait--by leaving this comment, I pushed TLC one more ahead! I am competing with myself!!!

Me said...

Monday morning (blech) tally:

#1 -- 12 votes
#2 -- 17 vote
#3 -- 16 votes

(Chuck--I'm feeling weaker, weeeaaakkkkeerrr....)

(Tina--my plan to make you defeat yourself has succeeded! Next, I take over the world!)

(Regina--do Google Serfopoula! You might be surprised.)

Total votes: 45
Total comments: 54
Defeating the reigning comment champion: priceless =)

sarah said...

I like number three.

Wendy Toliver said...

Mark one more for #1.

Jessica said...

I really love the line "There is little the Greek gods canNOT do when they choose to act." What intrigue!! Now I absolutely have to read this and see what the gods CAN accomplish.

Amber said...

I love the line "There is little the Greek Gods canNOT do when they choose to act." I cannot wait to see what that leads to =) I'm super excited for Oh. My. Gods.

Anonymous said...

Tera, I am so psyched you have cross country in Oh. My. Gods. Since I work for a running magazine and the sport needs all the publicity it can get! Go girl! Oh, I obviously like #2 best. Good luck with everything!!

Anonymous said...

I love line #3. It sounds like something out of CLASH OF THE TITANS--I can just hear the swelling orchestral music. :)
Although I'm kind of biased in favor of the entire book.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the releases, Tera and Steph! Hey, I choose #3 (it's sooooo true)
"There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act."


Anonymous said...

My favorite the second line. It's such a loaded quote and it has such a strong emotional overtone, I just love it.

Megan said...

I have to agree with everybody saying number three. I can feel the drama coming on, the impending doom perhaps?

Nancy Kay Bowden said...

Such fun, TLC! Can I choose all three? Okay, if I have to pick one favorite, I'll go with: "There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act." I love Greek mythology, I LOVE the Greek island Kos, and I know I am going to love your book!

Anonymous said...

i chose #2

Liviania said...

I think I like #1 best. Sounds like a great book - I love it when people play around with mythology.

Kay Cassidy said...

I love #3. It really sets up the fun conflicts ahead. :-)

Only 31 more days!

Amy said...

#3 all the way!

irishgurl19 said...


Me said...

The only-9-hours-left tally:

#1 -- 14 votes
#2 -- 20 votes
#3 -- 26 votes

Line #3 is breaking away from the pack. Will there be a surprise at the finish?

(Cyn--way cool that you work at a running magazine. Thank goodness Phoebe's a runner, because I am so not.)

(Kay--don't remind me! I'm starting to get twitchy already.)

danetteb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
danetteb said...

I like number 2, growing up I was a Daddy's girl and I'd love to read how the quote relates to the book:)

Hugs, Danette

benjamintchip said...

My fave is "Who's ever even heard of Serfopoula anyway?" because I think it's such a funny word and reminds me of Snuffleupagus from Sesame Street for some reason..

TinaFerraro said...

I'm going for a nice, round 75 comments to say, uh, Tera, you're a Buzz Girl Goddess!

Anonymous said...

(Chuck--I'm feeling weaker, weeeaaakkkkeerrr....)

Hmmm...if promising to buy a few books for my library makes you weaker...than what if I told you I was a buyer for Brown & Taylor?

Me said...

Voting (and chances to win) are now officially over!

The FINAL tally:

#1 -- 15 votes
#2 -- 21 votes
#3 -- 26 votes

Our official winning favorite is line #3. "There is little the Greek gods cannot do when they choose to act."

Thanks everyone who voted! I (or another Buzz Girl) will post the THREE winners in the next day or so. Check back to see if YOU are a winner!

Marley Gibson said...

AWESOME, Tera!!! I'll go for a vote for #2. = )

Me said...

Follow-up comment to announce the winners:

Melissa (Ohnoutka)

Congrats, ladies! Email me your contact info to tlc [at] and I'll get them in the mail!