Sunday, June 15, 2008

You Can Haz Funnay

It's been a rough few weeks in the Childs family (as in my immediate family, which is me and my mom and dad). My mom is home from a two-plus week stay in hospital and on a painfully slow road to recovery. So, because I've had enough seriousness in my real life, I though I'd share some total fun-ness in the blogosphere.

All these pictures come from I Can Has Cheezburger, one of the funniest photo blogs I've seen. (And, yes, the appalling grammar is part of the fun!) They have hundreds (thousands?) of hilariously captioned animal photos. Here are some of my favorites:





Hope these brought a smile to your face like they did mine.

OH. MY. GODS. -- Dutton, available now!


TinaFerraro said...

LOL! Thanks for some Sunday morning smiles!

Cara King said...

Love it! Especially the no-ears kitty. is a kitty, right? (Or could it alien?)



Simone Elkeles said...

What's up with those cats? That's hilarious!

Marley Gibson said...

I've been an I Can Haz Cheezburger fan for a while. It never fails to make my day. Loved these!!!

Me said...

Yeah, I'm not a cat person but these pics get me every time. They even have a thing where you can write your own caption to one of their pictures.

Glad everyone's enjoying them. =)

Lenore Appelhans said...

We have windows like that top picture and I am always afraid that will happen to my cat.

stephhale said...

Hilarious! Thanks for the laughs.

Fifi Flowers said...

MORE CATS... what gives? I have some fish over on my site... maybe ktties want a snack! ;)