For my work-in-progress, I need to choose a hot celeb for my 15 year-old heroine to be crazy about. He should be:
--popular with today's teen girls
--someone who seems to be establishing a career (so when readers pick up the book down the road, there is instant name recognition).
And it would be great if:
--he was unmarried
--he had a great smile
Here are three candidates:
Robert Pattison

Michael Phelps

Chase Crawford

What do you think? Weigh in on these hotties and/or name others. And next Monday--to thank those who entered--I will randomly choose and then name a winner to get a signed copy of my book, How to Hook a Hottie.
Thanks in advance!
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys
I choose Chase!!!!!!! His blue eyes are terrific! ...And I heart him in Gossip Girl♥
I would have to say Chase!
I think it depends on your character's overall personality, but if she's a clean, cut all Amercian girl, I'd go for Chase.
Hey, I think she should choose him, no matter what kind of girl she is.
Chase all the way! I don't care for Robert and Michael Phelps isn't really the best role model.
I am going to name another guy who I feel fits your qualifications because I'm not that into the three you named...Michael Cera.
I love his smile!
I think more girls would be aware of and have the hots for Robert Pattinson. With all of the Twilight sagas to come, he is definitely more on the rise than the others.
I am going to go with Robert Pattinson for the reason that he is the only one of the three I know of. Either that means I live under a rock, or he is the most popular. If it's the latter, then I think it would make sense that he's the one your character is crushing on. And with hype around the Twilight movies, I think he's going to be popular for quite a while from now.
Email: joannestapley[at]googlemail[dot]com
I'd go with Chase Crawford because he's the most commercial and versatile of the three...he cuts across all genres having done a wide variety of movies/tv such as The Covenant (horror), Gossip Girl (drama) and the upcoming dance remake of Footloose.
The others are niche markets in sport and vampire.
I choose Chase too, he really has a great smile! I guess Joe & Nick Jonas fit the description too - but I definitely like Chase and Rob better!
Chase! He's a cutie. :)
Well, I say Robert Pattinson cuz he's just dang fine. But I agree with Janie. I think you have to take into consideration your character. What's she like? That'll determine who she chooses :) *coughRobertPattinsoncough*
Fantastic comments...keep 'em coming!
I don't think there is a teenager around who isn't fully aware of Twilight. But I have to nominate Taylor Lautner, he has that whole tall, dark and handsome thing going on, and I think he is just as popular and that smile, well, it speaks for itself.
I would choose Chase out of the three. What about Shai LaBeouf...okay, probably not the best role model, but pretty cute.
Robert :D
My students would vote for Robert Pattison. Even if he gets married, they would still vote for him:) Since they will still be doing the Eclipse and Breaking Dawn movies, his name should provide instant recognition for many years.
Chase Crawford DEFINITELY!!!
~Katie P.
I believe that Robert Patttison should do it. His mane is recognized by teens every where. And he is dangeroulsy hot hot hot !!!!
Of those three, I would have to go with Rob. But I have another name to add to the pot. What about Zac Efron?
robert pattinson!!!!! or chase crawford- depends on your opinion of the 2 but they are both really good choices (and so is taylor lautner- lolz)
I have to say Robert Pattinson. EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE knows him. Even if it's not his name they know him as the Twilight Guy (or even as Cedric Diggory). He's beautiful and where popularity is concerned he scores way over Michael Phelps and Chase Crawford!
I agree with Michelle. I'm putting Zac Efron into the hat. Nice shot of Michael,though. Killer abs!
Chace or Zac have my vote! it's all about the eyes.
I second the comments regarding your heroines personality. My personal vote is for Rob, but if say your heroine is athletically inclined, especially a swimmer, then Michael Phelps all the way. Know what I'm saying? Of course if she's into say martial arts, then compromise and go with someone suggestion of Taylor Lautner (thus picking up your TWILIGHT fans and hitting the athleticism). Just my two cents.
I appreciate ALL these comments...and those of you who still want to weigh in, please do! The contest ends Sunday night, with the winner named on Monday!
I think that Chace Crawford would be a good choice--I have friends in other countires who are always just waiting until they can't get their GG fix! So, GG is definitely not just a US thing... and Twilight does have some negativity attached to it (some people are anti-Twilight) so there is that to probably consider.
And I think some people, after the next year or two might not be sure who Michael Phelps is--they might know his name, but not be sure why they know it?
So for all around name recognition and positivity, probably Chace...or for someone not on the list: one of the Jonas Brothers. Anyone in the younger teen/tween age seems to love them so that'd last for years and then 18, 19 year olds and older love them too so... Someone like Nick Jonas :)
hooray for my long answers
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