Every year I start out the holiday season with the best intentions. I have my lists of friends and family that have been good and what I'm going to get them. I have visions of perfectly-wrapped packages in a rainbow of colors with color-coordinated tags and bows piled neatly under the tree. I imagine myself and my wrapping supplies sprawled out on the kitchen table enjoying a cup of hot cocoa while leisurely wrapping each gift with love. In my head it looks a bit like this.

Then reality sets in. It's a week before Christmas and I have twenty gifts left to buy, two sick kids, a sore throat, and the Christmas parties are starting as you read this. Instead of perfectly-wrapped packages, everything is just kind of lucky to get wrapped in something resembling wrapping paper. I usually realize (just as Target is closing) that my bows and ribbons don't match my paper, or that I ran out of Scotch tape (the boys love stealing it and making giant tape balls) and I end up using packing tape or glue sticks (seriously, this has happened). So I usually end up with gifts that resemble this.

I know that nobody really cares what the gift looks like, but I still have visions of handing over exquisite looking packages one day. Maybe next year...
What holiday chore are you not so good at?
I really try to buy coordinating wrapping paper, pretty bows and all the frills. But I too end of hurrying and it get sloppy. In the end the kids don't care. This year all my 2 year old daughter wants from Santa is pink and purple presents. Maybe she will appreciate a pretty package scene.
Oh, Steph, I am delighted that you have this problem, too. In addition to last-minute make-shift aspects, I'm also not very good at precision corners, something I continue to work at. And like you say, oh, well, next year!
I love giving presents but am a terrible gift wrapper too. It's nice to find a kindred spirit!
I stink at the whole Christmas cookie thing. I can't make them at all! I see people with all these fancy type ones and I know I have to chance to even make anything like that! Then people will tell me how easy they are to make and I know I still won't be able to make them! Instead I bought a cookie spritzer gun thing. You drop in sugar cookie dough (I store buy it!) and pull the trigger. Cookies shoot out. The kids at sprinkles. And then we have cookies I feel like can compete some!
Since I work for a wrap and ribbon company for my day job, I'm a great wrapper. ;) The thing I'm not so good at is being able to relax when I host a party - so much to cook and plan for, it can be overwhelming. This year, though, I'm planning to have fun!
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