It’s playing at the theatre near my house, but I haven’t seen it. As for the whole vampire vs. werewolves question – I think you know where I stand.
Actually, I had such a firm idea of who my werewolves are in Never Cry Werewolf, that I didn’t read the sequels to Twilight after I read the first book in the summer of 2006. I didn’t want to see wolves in any way other than I had seen them in my mind’s eye. Maybe that’s lame of me – but I was so in love with my character Austin and his Brit wolf family (who will appear if I ever do a sequel) that I just didn’t want to learn more about Jacob.
Obviously, people love the Twilight series, which is a great thing. When you see middle school boys and even grown men carrying one of the Twilight books in hardback, well that’s priceless. The additional attention it’s given YA books in general and paranormal YA in specific -- is also priceless. Seeing Burger King commercials that mention Twilight.... uh....
Anyway, I will always vote for werewolves, but I’ll save my reasons why for the comments section…
What about you? Have you or will you see New Moon? And do you love vampires or werewolves more?
Big, hairy hugs ~
Never Cry Werewolf -- HarperTeen 09/09
The Clearing -- HMH 04/10
I just saw the movie recently and I have to say that the werewolves looked really great. Everything was very well done and compared to Twilight, New Moon in my opinion was a lot better in many ways.
As far as choosing a side...I'm going to pick the werewolves. Vampires are super interesting and I've always been fascinated by them but the Twilight vampires are a little too G rated for me haha.
I've drooled and swooned over vampires, BUT...
...I LOVE werewolves, and it's not 'cause of Jacob. My werewolves are just figments of my own imagination :D
Heather, I haven't even seen TWILIGHT yet, although maybe I shouldn't admit that in public, huh? ;) But I've heard great things about both, especially NEW MOON.
I'm about 50/50 for werewolves and vampires--love 'em both. Even before the New Moon movie came out--loved it, by the way--I was "Team Jacob". He was my favorite character in the whole Twilight series. There's just something about shape-shifters...
A little off topic, Guys... I have a question. Two days ago I discovered this site:
[url=http://www.rivalspot.com]Rivalspot.com - Xbox Live Tournaments[/url]
They say you can play online FIFA Soccer game tournaments on any console for cash... had anyone tried that before? Looks like a cool idea...
Are there any other sites where you can play sports games for real moneys? I Googled and found only Bringit.com and Worldgaming.com but it looks these guys don't specialize in sport gamez. Any suggestions?
ive seen new moon 3 times and plan to see it more!!! :D I also read the entire series, and it was amazing. i choose the vampires side. I am team Edward all the way!!! and that will never change. <3
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