Kendall has just discovered who Emily really is, lost her boyfriend, and nearly died doing the thing she loves most–ghost hunting. It’s time to take a break and try to reconcile all the changes she’s going through. So Kendall heads to the Sierra Mountains, where there’s a camp especially for young people with gifts such as hers. It’s a time for reflection and self-discovery. But when she gets to California, she once again finds restless spirits–and the boy in her last vision. It may be the end of one chapter of her life and the beginning of a new one.
This week, we'll be talking about finding your own way in the world and making the best decisions for you. Each day, you'll be eligible to win not only copies of THE COUNSELING here on Books, Boys, Buzz, but I'll be offering a GRAND PRIZE on my website to be given away on September 15th. There's an awesome prize package on my website, so please be sure to check that out and spread the word.
To win a copy of THE COUNSELING, leave a comment in the trail about a huge decision you had to make that had a huge affect on you and your life. Again, those who leave a message (as many as you'd like), will be eligible to win a book.
Thanks for reading!
Marley = )
Congratulations on the release of Ghost Huntress: The Counseling, Marley!
What's so cool about these books is that YOU are really a ghost hunter, so as readers we know you're weaving truth into Kendall's exciting story!
Woo-hoo, it's an exciting week for you, Marley, and I'm delighted to be able to share in it with you! Congrats!
One of the hardest decisions I had to make was whether or not to take this job 50 miles away from where I was living at the time. I was about to get married and knew the extra money would be good but it was so far away! I ended up taking the job and moving with my hubby but I was a wreck trying to decide what was more important.
Congrats, Marley. I'm so excited for The Counseling! ;)
Woohoo! I've been dying for this book to come out and now it's right around the corner.
Deciding whether to go to school to become a teacher or stay at home and give writing a shot was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make. I decided to go to school and put writing to the side while I work on my degree. this was both because I wanted a career to fall back on if writing didn't work out, and I didn't quite have the guts to tell my family that I wanted to be an author since i knew that they'd disapprove. I think that I'll wait until I actually have a book out and published to tell them. then I can rub it in their faces a little XD
YEA!!!!!! Congrats Marley!!!!! It sounds SOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!
Right now this comment feels like the hardest decision!!! ;) I've had a couple major decisions--Mostly dealing with weather to move--To PA, I did; Move to MT, I did; move to CA, I did. Sometimes I'm not sure how much they're actually decisions I made, as oppose to opportunities falling in my lap--But I know they were big changes, and changes that always seemed to happen very quickly, and I still think about them. And I think for the most part I've made good choices.
Also, one choice was to work at a camp outside of Yosemite--Absolutely my best decision ever!!!--So it makes me even more excited to read about Kendall's experiences!!!!
congrats on the release of the new book. i know my daughter has anxiously been awaiting it.
decisions, decisions, decision. i never take them lightly and tend to think too hard on them, only to realize the easiest course of action was the best decision of all. make decisions with a cool head and an open heart.
congrats on your success
Last week I made the decision to part ways with my CP for the last three years. It was painful and I'm still processing it even now.
Congrats on the new release
a hard decision was choosing between two job opportunities I had. I think I made the best decision but it was hard choosing.
Congratlaations on the release! Very exciting!!
Thanks Sally!!! = )
Congrats on the release!!!
I have to admit my biggest decision has been to move or not. I did take the leap and move cities but it wasnt easy.
one of the biggest decision i had to make about my life was going away for school and not going to the community college like my parents wanted me to. i think it was the right decision for me.
The scariest thing I have had to do was decide to adopt our kids. You would think heck a baby we will take it! But there is a lot of dynamics that is included in adoption - but it has been the best choice I have ever made. (besides my wife of course)
my decesion is going to have cancer surgery on tue 7 and then go form one day to day when i have
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