Here are Steph and Tera flanking me in a picture Tera somehow managed to be in AND take (I am always inspired by multi-taskers):

Here stands me, Marley, Wendy and Tera, in a photo perhaps worthy of one of Marley's Ghost Huntress books:
And now replace Wendy with Steph, and add in the's her name...(choke, sputter, gasp)... MEG CABOT.

Yes, *the* Meg Cabot. Looking every bit as warm, friendly--and gorgeous--as she is in real life. It was a thrill and delight for us to meet her!
That's it from me. Maybe some of the other Buzz Girls have pictures to share?
Tina Ferraro
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys, 2010 Rita® Finalist
How to Hook a Hottie, 2009 Rita® Finalist
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
It looks like you had a great time. Wish I could have been there.
I wish you had been there, too, Janie. You were missed!
Great pictures! I'm sorry I had to miss the gathering this year. You guys look like a million bucks!
ZOMG MEG!! I so hope one of you remembered to say hi to her for me. If not, that's ok. I'm sure I'd forget everything I wanted to say to her if I saw her in person.
I really wish I could have been there too. Ah well. I will just have to live through you guys and your recaps!
BookChic--I KNOW! OMG, Meg! And among the fun was telling her that we'd met before, at the Grove in Los Angeles years ago, when I brought my daughter to hear her speak about the Princess Diaries. And she remembered the event--not us, of course--but the event. That was fun for me!
It was so surreal meeting Meg. I don't think I said a word. What a nerd I am! It was a great time but the bees missed Heather and Dona!
I'm so happy for you guys!!!! Your pics are amazing!!!!! It sounds like so much fun!!!!!
See, now for me, I thought OMG, it's Tina Ferraro! Live and in person! It was a pleasure to meet you and the rest of the YA gang. I was impressed by the strong showing and hope that it only grows. Your pictures are wonderful, and everyone looks gorgeous. I hope to see you next year in The Big Apple.
Kim MacCarron
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