It's Veterans Day - a day to reflect on and celebrate the men and women in uniform serving our country. Usually, on this day, I call my grandfather and thank him for serving in WWII, where he was a nurse on a hospital ship in the South Pacific, but he passed away this spring.
He was a big inspiration to me in writing my YA novel, The Clearing, since Henry's family was living through wartime in the 1940's. I used aspects of his personality in crafting Henry - his honesty, sense of duty to protect his family, amazing work ethic.
So, I'll think of him today, and find another way to celebrate the service of our military and the sacrifices of our veterans. If there's someone in your family who deserves a call and a thank you, I hope you'll reach out to them today.
How will you mark Veterans Day this year? Is there any special celebration in your town?
The Clearing - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Never Cry Werewolf - HarperTeen
Wherever You Go - Harcourt, Fall 2011
I attended a local get-together, and am going to call my father, a Purple Heart decorated vet!
I woke my sis up at midnight to thank her for being a veteran. ;)
I've already thanked my hubby today and I'm getting ready to IM my little brother who is in Iraq. My kids wore red, white, and blue to school today and collected loose change to donate to vets.
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