I hope that everyone had a wonderful and delicious Thanksgiving. The Buzz Girls are each taking turns this week telling what we are thankful for. I had to give this a lot of thought. I'm really thankful for a lot of things but I tried to figure out what I was MOST thankful for this year. I finally decided on humor.
It may seem like a strange thing to be thankful for, but humor really helped me out of some tough times this year. I have realized in the last few years that I really love making people laugh. I don't remember always being like this. I think as I have gotten older and had more life experience, I've realized how important humor is in overcoming tough situations and in just adding joy to life.

One of the easiest ways to get a quick boost of humor is to watch some of the commercials out there today. As much as I love my Tivo, I do still stop to watch commercials sometimes just because they are so funny. And the holidays are ripe with hilarious commercials. This lady they use for the Black Friday commercials kills me every time.

I admit that I'm a "goner" for cute cat commercials! I find myself smiling away...
OMG! The Target lady doing her calesthenics (I have no idea if I spelled that right...) makes me snort. Her pulling the two shopping carts up the hill, her with the little parachute as she runs through the store...they just keep getting better!
I think I am in love with that guy from the Allstate commercials. I love the one when he's driving in the big, pink SUV and talking about how 'she' got a text from 'her' friend kissed Johnny (I think that's the name... it's some guy, that much I know) and how that is upsetting because 'she' likes Johnny. So, now 'she' is 'emotionally unstable' and just hits a random car in the parking lot. I just love it because the actor is so serious with the character and I just find that one of the least annoying and most enjoyable commercials ever created. I love it!
I love this Heineken commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIutgtzwhAc
Never fails to make me laugh.
Thanks, everyone! Check back on Monday for the winners!
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