Here's one more picture, of our Marley Gibson with Knight Agency super-agent, Elaine Spencer (who just happens to represent both Dona Sarkar and me):

Saturday was TEEN DAY! Hundreds of teens and their adult companions joined the 1,000 or so readers already in attendance in a mega-signing that featured a football sized room full of romance authors. The Young Adult authors got their own row, making it fun for the readers and authors alike. (For instance, the alphabet being what it is, I got to sit between Simone Elkeles and Marley Gibson!)
Later came talks from YA authors, book readings, face-to-face chats, and finally, a teen party with a mega book giveaway. Great fun!
The one thing I felt I missed was something called Mr. Romance, where male cover models vied for that coveted title, because it conflicted with my author schedule. However, never one to let things totally pass me by, I did get to spend time with this hottie:
And on that silly note, please tell us in the comments the name of the super-hero that you'd like to meet, and be entered to win a copy of RANSOM MY HEART by Meg Cabot! The winner will be announced next Monday!
Good luck!
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC's of Kissing Boys
I have no particular Super Hero that I'd like to meet. But I would love to meet someone who could Time Travel.
I'm glad RT was so much fun!
I would love to meet Superman (the Dean Cain version!) I had a crush on him when I was younger!
lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com
I'd like to meet Professor X -- because that way I'll get either Patrick Stewart or James McAvoy. Talk about a win-win situation! ;-)
Though that new Thor guy is looking pretty hunky...
Oh, I would not be able to narrow it down to one, but I would love to meet all of the characters from Young Justice:Superboy, Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Miss Martian... Yes, I am a total nerd XD
Great answers! Keep 'em coming!
I'd love to meet Batman :D
I would love to meet the Hulk (at least I consider him to be a hero). He's so strong and masculine, but he seems so sweet and gushy inside. Plus, summer will be here soon, and he could be some very nice shade for me whenever I need him. Haha.
I'd like to meet Spiderman. I mean, the spider thing is creepy, but he is just soo cool! :D
Superman for sure, he has a great popsicle flavor!
I would have to say the Green Lantern because Ryan Reynolds is just too hot!
Great pics, Tina!
ROFLMAO at the pic of you and Spidey. I love how when he walked by, his costume was held together with safety pins. LOL!! Had such a great time with you at RT! = )
I'd like to meet Superman --- although I'm not sure what you wear around someone with xray vision.
I would love to meet Wolverine!!!
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