Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy Happy...a winner...and another giveaway!

To all of our Buzz fans, I want to wish you a Happy Passover and Happy Easter! spring really upon us? I sure do hope so. We've been in Gettysburg for the last month...or as I call it, Wettysburg. I know April showers bring May flowers...those need to be some pretty stupendous flowers! LOL!

Some good news to share is the WINNER of my Meg Cabot book giveaway. A copy of AVALON HIGH CORONATION goes to...


Congrats! Please e-mail me at marley_gibson AT yahoo DOT com with your name and mailing address. this week's giveaway. (Isn't this fun?) I'm giving away a copy of my fellow St. Martin's Press author, C. C. Hunter's book BORN AT MIDNIGHT. The cover is reallllly dark and cool.

To enter the book giveaway, please leave a comment letting us know what you and yours are planning for the Passover/Easter holidays. Anything yummy to eat? Family traditions?

Marley = )

The next installment of the popular Ghost Huntress series
Coming May 2nd! Everything's not as it seems...


sunnynikki said...

Every year, despite the fact that both my sister and I are grown, we have an Easter egg hunt in the yard. My aunt hides the eggs and we find them, they have numbers in them and we can turn them in for awesome prizes. We also still get Easter baskets. We aren't allowed to have our baskets until after church and it is kind of fun to wait and see what is in them. After church we also have a traditional meal of ham, deviled eggs, potato salad, asparagus, and cauliflower salad- very spring like.

Bwyatt said...

The hubs and I are doing something different this year. We are staying home and spending the holiday with just the 2 of us. We've never done this before so it should be nice. Although, that does mean that I have to do the cooking. :o)


TinaFerraro said...

My family and I like to go a sunrise Easter service on a mountain!

Jess Day said...

My family always goes to church and following that we go to my grandmother's house. As usual, our Easter tradition is I hang ut with my little cousins and babysit them while my brother and the rest of the family play cards and gamble after's very closely related to our Christmas festivities as well :)

Heather Davis said...

I'm gonna miss my fam's Easter celebration this year. Usually, there is a ham dinner with lots of sides like scalloped potatoes.

Back in the day, I really enjoyed Holy Week and always went to Good Friday service to remember what the whole Easter story is all about. The best part is that the cross filled with nails on Friday night was covered with flowers on Easter Sunday. Transformation is always awesome, no matter what your belief system. :)

Elaine G said...

The family all go over to my parents house for a huge turkey dinner.The kids get to have an Easter egg hunt too.My nephew was only 2 months old last year so this year he'll enjoy it more.I'm looking forward to that.
I hope everyone has a Happy Easter

1110cg said...

Happy easter and passover. We celebrated last night with my Jewish side, and had lots of matzo ball soup. For easter we get to celebrate even more.

Steph said...

I am going to my grandparent's house this year for Easter. All of my cousins on my mom's side of the family are younger than me, so we have an Easter egg hunt. Of course, I participate, but I mostly help my favorite little cousin find some eggs. We usually have ham with the pineapple rings and cherries around it along with mashed potatoes, corn, salads, etc. Mostly the basics. However, this year we are also going to combine Easter with my grandmother's birthday, so we'll have her favorite dish. I think it's called fettuccine Alfredo, but I'm not sure. It's a white, Alfredo type sauce with broccoli and chicken over fettuccine. It's really good. My family usually goes to church before we go to my grandparent's house. We alternate between my mom's church (where I usually go) and my dad's church. It should be fun this year since we have another new addition to our family. He was just born a few months ago (December 17th) so this will be his first Easter. I'm pretty excited. :) Have a nice Easter!

Jessica said...

Actually, my family is not very religious so now that all us kids are grown, and there are no Easter baskets or egg hunts to do, we just use it as an excuse to have a big ham dinner. :)

donnas said...

The family gets together for Easter and we have a ham with the usual sides, green beans, potato salad.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Kari said...

We, of course have an Easter egg hunt. We used to do it (my sisters and I ), but now my niece and nephews do it, and it is postively endearing. We also always get a new movie to watch, and this year it's Tangled XD

petra said...

we eat a lot of ham and potato salad and color eggs for the kids. please enter me to win the book.

Erica said...

Born at Midnight's cover is so gorgeous!

We don't really have any traditions on Easter - they change year to year depending on who is coming to Easter. I always love the years my mom makes her cheesy potatoes, as they are quite awesome.

Anonymous said...

will go to an easter service. then dinner with family. lots of italian treats to munch on.the best for me will be veggie lasagna.

Unknown said...

First Easter we get to celebrate Easter as a family with an Easter Egg Hunt with the kids 5yr and 3yr. Enjoying the Home raised smoked Ham and Noodles and Cheese...peas and pearl onions, Pierogi-Style Lasanga and Strawberry Poke Cake with Cool whip.

Unknown said...

What an awesome pic on the cover! I love climbing trees; so did my mom!

Llehn said...

I don't celebrate, so I'll probably be watching lots of TV.

stephhale said...

Happy Easter Marley. I've already eaten WAY too many Reese's peanut butter eggs! ;)