I'll be in Italy next week! O.M.G.
Though I've been planning the trip for a long time (and have been learning Italian since September) I can't believe the time is finally here.
I haven't traveled this far on my own before, so it should be an interesting adventure. And, I haven't been to Europe since I was in college and never to Italy for real, so I'm very excited. So far, my plans are pretty simple: See some art. See some ruins. Write. Eat gelato in massive quantities.

I'll try to put up a post from the road, but if I somehow don't, I'll give you a full Buzz blog recap when I return.
Is there somewhere special in the world you want to visit someday? Where would you like to travel and why? And, any last travel tips for me?
A presto,
The Clearing - 2011 Rita Finalist - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Wherever You Go - November 2011 Harcourt
Never Cry Werewolf - HarperTeen
have fun in Italy!
Have a great time! Get up early, plan a full day, and then get some good sleep. Take advantage of seeing everything you can!! You can REALLY sleep when you get home again...
Heather, here is a link to a blog about traveling to Rome that features that special coffee drink I was telling you about when we were together at the Romantic Times conference. Very near the Pantheon. Hope you like it!
Italy? ITALY???!!! I am so jealous right now!! I know you were talking about plans for a vacation soon, but it seemed so far away. Well, have a great (and safe) trip. I would love to visit England and Italy, definitely. If I could visit most places in Europe, that would be really awesome. Well, have fun and have a nice holiday away from home!! :)
No being jealous, anyone! I'm flying there on miles from my old day job (all those trips to NYC) so it's just working out to go right now before the high season. Tina, thanks for the tip on the special coffee. 1100cg and Jessica thanks! I have a few things planned, but I'm working in some sleep time too. Racing toward a writing deadline so I can enjoy the trip!
Oh, Steph - meant to say that I would really love to see England, too! It's the whole prince's wedding right now, but wouldn't that be fun to tour? It's on my list, too!
I hope you have an amazing time, Heather. I can't help but picture you in your own Eat. Pray. Love. movie. Be safe and eat some pizza for me! Hugs.
Ha, Steph. I didn't even read the book and then when I saw in the movie she went to Rome (which I had already planned) I was like, oh no.
Hey, if we could just encapsulate the whole thing into one location and have Javier Bardem waiting for me with some pasta, I'll be set! :) Will def eat some pizza for you...
TRES JEALOUS! I only got to spend 6 hours in Rome. Not nearly enough. Have an amazing time. Drink in the flavors of your surroundings. = )
OMG, Heather...watch ROMAN HOLIDAY before your trip, then Google the places they went, and then spend one day visiting all the locations.
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