TLC: Hi Griffin! How's it going?
Griffin: Fine.
TLC: [waiting for more] Um, okay. So why don't you tell the readers a little more about yourself. They're here to learn about you, after all.
Griffin: Like what?
TLC: Like... anything. We already know you're a descendant of Ares and H--
Griffin: Hey, privileged info. Don't spread that around.
TLC: Oh, I forgot. But you know everybody's going to find out as soon as they read the book, right?
Griffin: [probably clenching his jaw] Yeah. I know.
TLC: Alright. For now we'll stick to the common knowledge. So what's it like being a descendant of Ares? He's the god of war. Does that mean you like to fight a lot?
Griffin: No. It's not that simple.
TLC: Sometimes you do have a bit of a temper...
Griffin: Who doesn't? But war isn't his only area of expertise. Ares is also the patron god of athletics.
TLC: Which brings up something you and Phoebe have in common: running. You guys are getting off to a bit of a rough start, but admit it. You kinda like her.
Griffin: I don't know what you're talking about.
TLC: Your Aunt Lili adores her.
Griffin: [silence]
TLC: Just wait until your running date--
Griffin: It's not a date.
TLC: --tomorrow. I've got a few surprises up my sleeve.
Griffin: Great. Look, I need to go. I promised Aunt Lili I'd help her decorate some cupcakes for bake sale.
TLC: [snicker]
Griffin: What?
TLC: Nothing. That's cute.
Griffin: Later. [click]
Well, that is apparently the end of my interview with Griffin. Get his full story in OH. MY. GODS., coming in May from Dutton Children’s Books. The as-yet-untitled (and un-revised) sequel is slated for Spring ’09. (I haven't told Griffin about that yet. He can sweat it for a while.)
OH. MY. GODS. -- Dutton, May 2008
Oh, this is one hottie I'd like to see get hooked! :)
Looking forward to reading Oh.My.Gods...in just under two months now, huh?
TLC...we'll count down to May together!!!! = )
haha, what a sensitive brooding hottie...baking cupcakes and all...May will come soon, I hope!
I just finished OH MY GODS! You guys are in for such a treat! It was the most amazing book! :) I can't wait to hold a hardcover in my hands!
Thanks all for lovin' on Griff (and Steph for lovin' on the book). It's all starting to feel almost real!
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