FEBRUARY: Writing retreat with a couple of friends, as well as a photo shoot and a ghost hunt in cold, cold Minnesota. I know...who goes to Minnesota in the dead of winter? My critique partner, Wendy Toliver's MISS MATCH is out in stores. Sooooo adorable. Pick up a copy!
MARCH: Pre-media blitz for my GHOST HUNTRESS series with ghost hunting events in Boston and New York City. Also, will be going to a conference in Gettysburg called Phenomenology 101. My friend, Jenn Echols' book GOING TOO FAR comes out this month, too...amazing book! Everyone buy it!
APRIL: Book launch party and presentation at GhoStock 7 in Salem, Massachusetts. It's going to be a blast!
MAY: GHOST HUNTRESS officially hits the shelves on May 4th. Lots of promo going on including trips to Louisville, Indianapolis, New York, and Columbus. Also, be sure to check out Diana Peterfreund's YA debut, RAMPANT, about killer unicorns and the virgin huntresses who are pre-destined to save the world from them.
JUNE: As I right now, I have nothing on the calendar for June, but hopefully the sun will be out, the pool open, and there will be some time for rest and relaxation before a busy fall schedule.
JULY: Can't wait to see all my writing friends in our nation's capital for Romance Writers of America Conference. I'll be signing GHOST HUNTRESS: THE AWAKENING there, as well.
AUGUST: Going to ParaCon 2009 for a book signing in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada and then later in the month, a camping trip in Washington state to go UFO hunting. Whoooo... Also, I'm told that GHOST HUNTRESS: THE GUIDANCE will be available for my book signings.
SEPTEMBER: Football season starts and my Crimson Tide returns to hopefully repeat their awesome Top 10 season of last year. Would love to visit the alma mater for a football game.
OCTOBER: This is going to be a crazy month! There's sure to be lots and lots of promotional trips for GHOST HUNTRESS: THE GUIDANCE, but also, my non-fiction book, CHRISTMAS MIRACLES, will be available in stores. Very excited about the book! Also, this month will be my twentieth wedding anniversary!
NOVEMBER: More than likely, another trip out to Estes Park, Colorado, to The Stanley Hotel for a ghost hunt and book signing. I'll have to remember to take canned oxygen this time to avoid altitude sickness...bleck. Also, we're hoping to take a European trip in November. That would be the bomb!
DECEMBER: Wow...2009's almost over? Nothing planned as of yet, but it's the holiday season (hopefully the CHRISTMAS MIRACLES books will be selling well) and my b-day and just gearing up in general for a jam-packed 2010!
So...what are you looking forward to in 2009? What are your big plans? Share with us!
Marley = )
GHOST HUNTRESS: THE AWAKENING (Coming May 2009, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
GHOST HUNTRESS: THE GUIDANCE (Coming October 2009, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
GHOST HUNTRESS: The REASON (Coming May 2010, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
CHRISTMAS MIRACLES (Coming October 2009, St. Martin's Press)
SORORITY 101: Zeta or Omega? (Available from Puffin Books)
SORORITY 101: The New Sisters (Available from Puffin Books)
Lots to look forward to!
Wow so much to look forward to. You've made me officially optimistic, Mar!
Lots of great stuff to look forward to!
Louisville? Wish I still lived there. It's a great place, and after I moved from there all kinds of good stuff happens. Too bad!
Wow, busy busy. But it sounds like all fun stuff. Minnesota in the dead of winter ... well, except for that. Brrrr!
Love all your new book covers. :)
I love the cover for your Christmas miracles book, Marley. You have a really busy year ahead of you! And 20 years of marriage? Wow, that's so awesome.
I'm looking forward to my new release on March 3. Our trip to Walt Disney World in June. And I'm still holding out for a miracle so I can go to RWA in July! ;)
What an amazing year you have planned! I'm not that on top of my schedule at the moment, just know I'll stay super busy!
Heck, I don't even know what I'm having for dinner tonight and here you've got your whole year planned! :-)
I WILL have the sequel to my first novel, Courage in Patience, complete by the end of 2009. I Will... I MEAN it! :)
Beth Fehlbaum, author
Courage in Patience, a story of hope for those who have endured abuse
Ch. 1 is online!
interesting upcoming months ^^
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