And in particular, Tera has a fun Buzz Girls’ announcement tomorrow that you won’t want to miss!

So...a friend of mine calls me Susie Sunshine because she says I always look at the bright sides of things. But if she drops by here today, she’ll be pretty surprised to see I am going with a negative slant, that I am thankful for the things that DID NOT happen this year, such as...
No flood or mud damage on my house:
I live on a run-off street in a “burn area” (a neighborhood once ravaged by fire), and while we’ve had torrential rains that could have caused chaotic mudslides and flash floods--but so far, so good!
My agent didn’t hate the partial of my book:
A little while back, I sent my agent the first 50 pages of the book I am now writing, and she didn’t, as I neurotically worried, hate it! (Anything but...)
I didn’t get airport stranded:
When my night flight got so delayed that I missed my connection, I did not have to find a hotel and call home to say I was stuck in that city. Instead, I discovered that the airline had gone and rebooked me on the last flight home, and what do you know, I ended up seated next to a TV comedy writer whose wife was trying to write YA novels, so we had a lively and memorable conversation, to boot!
My cat didn’t become a coyote’s dinner:
One evening our two cats were relaxing on the front porch. Suddenly the little one scampered inside for her “safe place.” We looked out to see a retreating coyote. But no big cat. I looked and paced and panicked, absolutely heartbroken. Only to have him casually reappear two hours later, as if nothing was wrong!
Okay, okay, so by focusing on the bad things that didn’t happen, I still qualify as a Susie Sunshine. And I guess I’m proud of that!
So tell us, did you have a noted near-miss, too, one you are thankful for? A test you didn’t fail, a car that puttered into a gas station on fumes, a problem that seemed to “resolve itself?” Share it with us in the comments and you’ll be entered to win a $15 gift certificate to
Check back here to see the list of all the winners next Monday!
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys
I applied for a job I liked but was not selected due to my school schedule. I was really upset about it and decided to comfort myself with a little book shopping (it always works). While I was in the bookstore the manager walked up to me and asked if I would like a job. How amazing is it to work in a place where I get to be around books? It's awesome!
I'm thankful that although my husbands back has been hurting again (he had emergency surgery in 2009) he did not have to have another surgery! Yay! Because I truely could not stand having to wait on him hand and foot again. I love him but a wife can only do so much. :o) Also, we relocated to Chattanooga, TN this time last year, and I am thankful to be able to say that we have made wonderful friends, love the city, and plan on remaining here for as long as possible!
Of course, I am thankful for my family and friends. On a working level..I am very thankful that it was only my monitor that was out of commission and not my hard drive.
I have to agree with your friend, Tina. You are one of the most positive people I know. I am thankful that I got to see some of the Buzz Girls in Orlando this year because it had been WAY too long!
I am thankful that my (fully paid off!) car only had to be fixed recently...I did not have to buy a new car! Phew! Plus, I'm really thankful for family, good friends, good books, good food, and more...
i love that you're so positive! :)
Yay Tina, those are all awesome things to be thankful for!!! I hope more bad things don't happen to you again next year.
The first day of August, my family was going to put down a new floor because there was a bubble forming underneath the fridge, which we didn't know the cause of. So, we began ripping up the old floor. It was supposed to be a small, DIY project. We bought the floor and prepared for a new change in our kitchen. We found out, the hard way, that underneath the bubble was a HUGE puddle of water that was leaking from a pipe underneath the sink. The smell was atrocious! Then we find out that one of the several layers of old, tacky tiles was made of asbestos. So, for three and a half months, my kitchen was a bubble. In the end, we needed to buy new cabinets and we needed new appliances because the water damaged a large portion of our existing cabinets.
The good that came from this situation? We finally got a new kitchen, which we have been dreaming of for as long as I can remember. Now, for Thanksgiving, our kitchen will be all updated and ready to be worn in. It was a long haul, with waiting for things to be booked, delivered, then installed and figuring out what dates would work around the busy schedule of two working parents and three children with all of their own activities (I am one of those kids, but I did my best to help as much as I could).
Even though we didn't plan on getting a new kitchen this way, we finally got an updated kitchen. I'm usually a pessimist, but I do see the good in this situation now that it is almost over. Almost. (Tomorrow will be the final final touches- I hope.) *Crosses fingers*
The only one that comes to mind is when last year I had a tire shred itself while I was on the highway. I was lucky it was a back tire and I was able to get off right away. But the tire was literally shredded. Im sure there have been others but thats whats sticking out at the moment.
My favorite cousin got really sick this year for severe food poisoning and had to be hospitalized. During the tests they conducted, they discovered that he was in the first stage of cancer of the pancreas and is now undergoing treatment. In a way, I'm thankful for the food poisoning because it allowed us to catch his condition early. We're keeping our fingers crossed and are rooting for him!
I am thankful for the snow because that means no school tomorrow which means no tests. THANK YOU SNOW!!!
My parents almost postponed our immigration date til late dec which meant I would miss school for next semester for missing the dealines. Somehow they changed their minds in the end and here I am, waiting early to attend college this Jan.
I was in a car accident that totaled my car this spring. That doesn't seem like a near- miss until you realize I, or anyone else, wasn't hurt and I got to get a much nicer car with the insurance money. It worked out well.
What amazing stories of "good luck." And to quote Tera: I hope more bad things don't happen to all of you again next year!
I am thankful that my family is getting together for Thanksgiving, despite deaths and misc. that have happened recently!
I'm thankful for still having a job. My company hasn't been doing too well and It's a miracle we are still here!
Two weeks in a row I caught the very last flight from Denver back to LAX. Unfortunately, I'd left my car at Burbank and had to pay $90 for a cab to take me back there to get my car, but at least I made it home. Last night my first born college freshman was waiting up for me since I hadn't seen him in weeks. Awwww.
(How's that, Susie?)
More love going out to all of these...and a special nod to Paddy and her college freshman returning home for Thanksgiving, she being the bestower of my Susie Sunshine nickname!
I'm so glad your kitty is okay!!!!
We were driving to CO, and had to go through the Great Plains (Kansas). As soon as we got out on the highway, we found that there were no gas stations in sight, and we really needed gas. We saw one (but expensive), and filled up right before we would have run out. A triumph! :)
~Katie P.
The time I turned on the mower and a rock hit right above my eye. I'm am sooooo thankful that it missed me eye.....
(name part of email)
I went to the doctor's and found out I didn't have heart issues.
Rosie 20022002
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