We are so excited to be celebrating the release of Marley Gibson's Ghost Huntress: The Discovery this week, and in doing so, each of the Buzz Girls is writing about discoveries. As for me, I like discovering new things about where I live: new things to do, new sights to see, new people to meet. I have a good friend named Meredith who lives in AZ but has a second home about 10 minutes away from where I live, here in UT. So every time she's here, we go to fun places for dinner, hit the lake in the summer or go skiing in the winter. As you can see in the photo, we accidentally showed up at Snowbasin with the s
ame ski clothes. (People wondered if we were on the Swiss Ski Team!) She likes to go snow mobiling, but as you can read HERE I am banned from that particular sport so I have yet to join her. I really love it when she's in town because I get to vacation right here at home!

This summer marks the second time my family is having a big reunion in my town. We rent out a B&B and in addition to boating, hiking, biking, and fishing, we go to a petting farm and a crazy store called Smith & Edward's (where we took this photo), explore the a couple of hot pots at the base of the canyon, dip our toes in the Great Salt Lake, and do other random/silly/cool things together. I'm really excited to discover new things to do when they're all here come July.

For a chance to win Marley's fabulous prize package: a signed copy of THE DISCOVERY (Yay!), a dowsing pendulum, incense and an incense burner, and two awesome bracelets, leave a comment telling something you've discovered about where you live.
Good luck!
I discovered that in the south bay where I love they have lots of geo caches
First of all, I never knew about your snowboarding experiences, and can I just say OUCH?
Here's something I learned about where I live in southern California, just last night. That the local 1940's motel that they are forever threatening to tear down is actually in Lima, Ohio...or at least, it appeared so last night in an episode of GLEE!
I've learned air conditioners are crucial in living in Phoenix. I learned this last summer when mine went out and I spent 3 days sleeping on the tile floor because it was cooler than my bed. XD Also, sleeping on tile floors hurts, jsyk
This year it has been how bad tornados can really be. While I was little we always got the warnings but never really got hit. This year hasnt been as bad as the southern states but hasnt been that great either.
I learned that the weather here is actually more severe than I originally thought. I always thought that I was kind of separated from the rest of the country so that I was unaffected by the harms of the weather (a.k.a. mother nature), but this winter has shown me that my area suffers from the same harmful weather conditions as everyone else. I live in New England, so we get a touch of heavy snow, heavy rain, extremely humid days, etc. I'm used to living in these conditions, but as I see what goes on around the world, I actually understand how similar each area is in several ways.
I just moved to this small town a week ago. I went for a walk today and discovered all the unique little stores here.
I'm pretty new to the area I live in, but I've done some research and found that Lake Elsinore used to be a resort town for movie stars in the '20s and '30s. You can still see the ruins of the old country club, and apparently Bela Lugosi's son attended the now abandoned military academy across the lake. There's also an old haunted bathhouse (now an antique store) next to Steve McQueen's old dingy bar. I love digging through history!
The area in which I lived used to be a swamp about a hundred years ago.
I found a shop that sells donuts with bacon top. Which just looks really gross and very unhealthy.
Oh I leave where the first Mcdonalds opened though its nothing intresting its still kind of school In a more creppy part of my town is that John Wayn Gase was cought.
Well, I knew our state's motto, but I didn't know what it meant. Apparently "Esto Perpetua" means "It is forever". nstswimmergirl@cableone.net
I didn't know the snowboarding story either! Wow, Wendy! Thanks for being so excited about THE DISCOVERY! Everyone enter the giveaway!!
I've recently discovered that there are a lot of awesome festivals and free things to do in my town which make it much cooler than I thought.
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