Here she is, with a handful of her books!

Seeing Marley with her books, and thinking about discoveries, made me reflect on some wonderful moments with my kids when they discovered favorite new authors. Authors such as J. K. Rowling, Gordon Korman, John Green, Stephenie Meyer and Gary Paul. What a joy it was to know I was passing along my love of reading, and have them, in turn, share their new favorite authors with me!
In celebration of Marley’s release, she is hosting a week-long giveaway of an awesome gift pack which includes a signed copy of THE DISCOVERY, a dowsing pendulum, incense, an incense burner, a hematite and jade bracelet, and a homemade "I <3 Ghost Hunting" bracelet.
To be entered, simply leave a comment here, telling us the name of a favorite author you have discovered!
Congrats to Marley on her release, and good luck to all who enter this giveaway!
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys
I discovered Lisi Harrison, not through her infamous Clique books, but for her Monster High series. While they sound cheesy, they make me laugh and are just so cute!
I've discovered Tina Ferraro and Marley Gibson. Okay, so that probably is a given. LOL
I do remember when I read a sweet YA but author Rachel Hawthorne I was hooked and immediately bought her entire backlist, plus researched to find out her other pen names.
I discovered Simone Elkeles through Leaving Paradise. I remember speeding through the book and falling in love with her writing. I was hooked. I've followed her writing ever since then.
I discovered Tera Lynn Childs through goddess boot camp which lead me to this site!
Thank you, Tina! I love recommending the Buzz girls to other readers. Spread the love! = )
Congrats, Marley!
My author discovery is Lauren DeStefano.
I discovered a few wonderful authors lately! One being Kady Cross! Her new book comes out this month, The Girl in the Steel Corset and I loved it! :)
Recently Kim Harrington. I so love Marley's books too and try to get everyone to read them.
I've discovered Rachel Caine. I'm read her first Morganville Book in 3 hours! it was intense! I also discovered Marley, just finished book 1; the awakening last week, LOVE IT! I'll be posting my thoughts on my blog soon :)
i discovered shelley adina. i remember reading her it's all about us series. i read the first, third and fifth book twice and the second book thrice.
I discovered Meg Cabot through her Princess Diaries series. I still buy every book she comes out with.
I discovered Stephanie Dray, through her work on Lily of the Nile, a novel of Cleopatra's Daughter..... a must read!
Lauren Oliver. Her first, Before I Fall was amazing, and her second, Delirium, was also really good!
I love Marley Gibson (seriously, I LOVE her), Ally Carter, Allison van Diepan, Lauren Baratz-Logsted, Hailey Abbott, Sarah Dessen, and a few more that I can't remember because my mind is all over the place right now. I discovered all of these authors on my own (not people telling me about them, at least), so I am trying to read all of their books and I am constantly widening my variety of authors.
Awww...Steph...BLUSH...and Diana...can't wait to read your blog! = )
I discovered Richelle Mead, I blazed through the whole Vampire Academy series in less than a week, totally fell in love.
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