I start trolling the Web looking at vacations. I can't help it. I'm a self-professed vacation-aholic. I can't help it. I blame my mother who took me to exotic locations like Cancun, Hawaii, and Orlando. Okay, so Orlando might not be considered exotic to most but when you live in a cornfield, like I have most of my life, it's pretty dang exotic.
My vacation hunting is particularly distressing this year as we need a new roof. And as much as I would like to take my six-year-old up on his suggestion of just getting a big tarp to put over the roof, I don't quite think that's gonna do it. So unless I hit the lottery (even though I don't play) or a huge book deal (on an imaginary book that isn't written yet) comes through, all my vacations are going to be cyber-vacations this year. (Except for Nationals in Nashville, ye haw!)
What do you drool over on the web? Purses, houses, or does something else?

If you haven't read these two amazing books yet, what the heck are you waiting for? ;)

Tina and I also got some very exciting news this week. Her book, THE ABC'S OF KISSING BOYS and mine, SPRING BREAKUP, are both finalists in the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence.

Hey, Steph, thanks for chatting up our book finals--and congrats again to you!
As far as online fantasy surfing, I, too, love to look at vacation spots. Right now my husband and I are looking to book a couple of trips, but believe me, the expensive places I keep checking are not gonna happen!
HUGE CONGRATS to Steph and Tina!!! Soooooo proud of you ladies! Hugs! = )
Congrats to both of you!
Wohooo..Congrats to both of you ! WTG !
Thanks, everybody!
Congratulations on being finalists in the Gayle Wilson award of excellence! How exciting.
Thanks, everyone, and congrats right back at YOU, Charity!
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