Do you remember him and Corey Feldman trying to rid SC of vamps and fending off Mom's creepy vampire boyfriend? That was a great movie in the contemporary vampire canon. Seriously, Keifer Sutherland as a vampire? Gotta love it.

And now, at 38, Corey's passed away.
It’s always sad when someone dies way too young. And it’s sad that Corey, who had been such a big kid star, was never able to maintain his career as an adult. Lost potential and a lost childhood. I feel sad for his mom and family.
Do you remember The Lost Boys or Lucas? What other Corey Haim movies do you like?
Never Cry Werewolf – HarperTeen 2009
The Clearing – HMH April 2010
Wherever You Go – Harcourt Fall 2011
License to Drive!!! That was always one of my faves for the Coreys.
I was really sad when I heard this news, I totally had his tiger beat poster. :(
I loved him in Lucas! In fact, one of my kids' high school teachers played the movie in class as a discussion starter, and I was so impressed that I went up to the teacher at Back to School night with thanks.
So sad. I knew after watching both seasons of The Two Coreys that this was pretty much inevitable. It makes you wonder what would have happened to him if he never would have gotten into show business. It's such a shame that he made so many people happy but could never do the same for himself. I feel so sorry for Corey Feldman because those two have been inseperable for so long.
I do remember - I was very sad to hear it, too. I sat behind Corey Feldman on a plane a couple of yrs ago, still best friends after all these years. So sad for his family!
I *loved* Lost Boys. I think it was the first young cool vampire picture...very influential. The Corys were really funny in it, and Kiefer Sutherland was so hot!
I agree with Jamie. I liked him in License to Drive. His smile was so crooked, so cute...I also liked him in The Lost Boys. And what's with all the "accidental overdose" diagnoses going around? I swear, if I hear that one more time...
I adored Corey Haim when I was younger. What a sad day.
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