My husband turned to me yesterday, in what was clearly a rhetorical question and asked, "Tina, where have our forks gone?"
My reply, "The same place as all the socks." At least, the socks that match the one ones we still have.
And days earlier, I'd been griping that I can never find a pen in our house...
And why is the paperclip container always empty?
Not to mention the food in the refrigerator that keeps disappearing. (Okay, wait, we DO have teenagers, so that answers that.)
But otherwise, all I can come up with is the suspicion that somewhere...there is a family of gnomes with a treasure trove of my belongings. Who have a penchant for stray socks, forks, pens and paperclips...
Either that, or when we next move, we're going to find them all behind the dryer or something.
Tell us, are the gnomes possibly hoarding possessions of yours, too? Some articles that keep inexplicably disappearing from your home?
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC's of Kissing Boys
Definitely socks! I'm always amazed how I always have just one of each pair. So, I just wear mismatched socks all the time.
I have two alternative theories for you:
1. The Borrowers. (from the novel by Mary Norton.) Tiny people who "borrow" things from humans. Your socks and pens could be functioning as bedding and clotheslines for tiny people living in your walls.
2. Time Builders. I read a short story in summer camp about how every second of every day has to be built by the time builders. And sometimes, because there are so many details to remember, they forget things. When you suddenly find something that's been lost, it's because they finally remembered.
Since I've moved out of my parents' house, I've not had things disappear the same way. I think that the gnomes only forage in family dwellings, not dorms or college apartments! :D
Janie, I have to tell you that I love long pants for that very reason!
TLC, I'll go with either theory, both of which are seriously appreciated!
Mena, I think you're onto something there... ;)
Oh my gosh, Tina! I was just talking about this with my husband. Our silverware just keeps disappearing. I'm always out of forks!
Sorry, Steph! The only logical thing I can think is that maybe we eat more on-the-run than we realize, and grab forks, assuming we're going to bring them home?
I do know we have one fork in our drawer that does not match that I assume we "inherited" that same way...
Ah, the gnome theory. Well, I definitely have my suspicions about where my things keep disappearing to (like the place where lost things go), but now, the gnomes..hmm..
When my son was 3, we moved into a new house. I thought for sure we'd find about 30 pacifiers once we moved the furniture out, but nope - not one. Now that he's older, it's spoons (and of course socks).
Thanks, Bee and Erica, and glad to know I am not alone!
Hats. I always seem to misplace hats, which, of course, I should have been putting on the pegs near the door. I have a favorite blue one that is probably a gnome-home by now.
Heather, if I ever find the Gnome-Home, I'll keep an eye out for your hats!
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