Of course, I’d heard all the raves about the HBO program based on the series, True Blood. And recently I caught a little and decided to start back at Season 1, Episode 1 and give it a go...

And wow, hot stuff and great plot twists and lotza drama. But I will admit that I put a sofa cushion over my face when it starts getting all bloody...
I might have to get the whole book series now, too.
Who else is watching True Blood?
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I'm a True fan! But I too, hide my face during some of the really bloody scenes. Just wait until you see what happens!
I hide my face more during the heated scenes LOL the blood I have less of a problem watching. Wow, what does that say about me?
We love True Blood. Eric is such a hottie. And I just love Lafayette's character!
Sometimes it gets too IN YO FACE! But I think it's because they keep trying to top themselves. The only way to go, is bloodier, it seems.
Glad to know I'm not the only one hiding my eyes. And yes, Steph, Eric is a hottie... and Lafayette lights up the screen! Kinda liking Jason, too...
Me too! (Eric-Eric-Eric) And I've acquired (but not yet read) the first couple of books since watching the first two seasons. I don't have HBO now so I'm way behind, but I'm a definitely fan.
Thanks, Tera, and that's another "vote" for Eric! Looking forward to more scenes with him...
Tina, I know so many people into this show! I read one of the novels a million years ago and liked it, but I've never sat down to watch the series... maybe I should!
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