It's my pleasure to chat about Marley Gibson today, to bring everyone up-to-speed on her exciting adventures! (And be sure to check the deets on the week-long giveaway at this post's end.)
Hey, Marley, could you please tell us about the young adult novel you just finished, RADIATE?
Marley: It's set to come out in the Spring of 2012 from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. It's a fictionalized version of what I went through as a teenage cheerleader with cancer. I had to update the story (since mine happened in 1982) and add a lot of drama, but it was an amazing experience. My editor loved it and said she cried ten times in the first one hundred pages. I think it can be a really powerful book for teenagers who are going through--not just cancer--any challenge in their life.
Remind us what’s hitting the shelves next?

Marley: In May is the fifth book in the GHOST HUNTRESS series called THE DISCOVERY. I had a blast with this book, adding a lot of experiences from my own investigations and research and also weaving in a bit more of the danger and creepy factors. I hope readers enjoy the layered mystery.
I know everyone would love to hear about your life, which is anything BUT ordinary!
Marley: Life is crazy...but in a good way. My fiancé, Patrick Burns, and I turned our rig west back in November, following the path of old Route 66 to California. We've seen so many amazing things during our time on the west coast: Pacific Ocean, Sierra Nevadas, Pacific Dunes, Napa and Sonoma wine country, Santa Barbara wine country, Corondado Island, the Grand Canyon, the Painted Desert, the Petrified Forest, Las Vegas...wow...and that was just on the way out. We're heading east today and plan on hitting White Sands, New Mexico, San Antonio, Texas, New Orleans, and visits to see my parents and Patrick's boys.
However, the most amazing part of our four month "wintering" was adopting two orphaned shelter kitties named Madison and Boo. They are now our constant travel companions and every day they amaze us.
Too cute! And thanks for these updates, Marley! And looking forward to being your roommate at the Romantic Times conference in Los Angeles next month...
Now about this week's giveaway. Yesterday Wendy posted a beautiful necklace set--just in time for St. Paddy's day. Comments all week work as entries. So leave a question or comment for Marley today to be entered, and be sure to return next Sunday learn the winner's name!
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys
WOW! Marley - you have been on the go. Your new book sounds amazing.
That sounds like an amazing trip! And those are some really cute cats :)
I never get tired of hearing of your adventures or seeing the kitties! Also can't wait to read Radiate!
Thanks everyone! And thanks to Tina for the great post! = )
Can't wait to see you and the kittens ... oh and meet Patrick. See you in gettysburg
WOW! That is a lot of traveling! But it is something that I wish to do later in life, so it's pretty awesome being able to see you go ALL OVER THE COUNTRY! Haha! Well, the kitties are cute, and I don't like cats, so that is definitely saying a lot coming from me. :)
OMG! Those cars are soooooooo cute!!
Cute Cats!
ur cats r adorable and i want them. can't wait for the discovery. my daughter is so excited.
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