Secondly, I've entered a little contest of my own. My fiance, Patrick Burns, and I have done a video application to be Purina's first Cat Chow Correspondents. Check it out and leave a comment for us, if you will.
Thirdly, I'm getting ready to join everyone out in Los Angeles for the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention where they're featuring teen reads. There's going to be a huge Teen day with book signings and speed reading "dates" with teen authors, as well as panels, discussions, giveaways, and more. My awesome publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has donated a ton of not only my GHOST HUNTRESS series, but also Heather's Rita nominated THE CLEARING. So exciting! And, I'm doing a ghost hunting basket giveaway including my series, my how-to book, some basic ghost hunting equipment and more fun stuff.
To celebrate all the good things going on, I'm going to give away an advanced copy of my upcoming May release, GHOST HUNTRESS: THE DISCOVERY.
Just leave a comment here in the trail or on my YouTube video, to be entered to win. I'll announce the winner next Wednesday.
Marley = )
Ghosts don't hang up their sheets after Halloween!
GHOST HUNTRESS series - The Awakening, The Guidance,
The Reason, The Counseling - available now!
Okay, I officially love your two little rescued kitties and their adventure!! So cute. Good luck with the competition! :)
I love it! You’re awesome people for taking those sweet babies into your life & your desire to help other shelter cats. Good luck!
P.S Your Madi looks a little like my Lola May who we rescued from the local shelter in December :)
Oh My Gosh!!!!--Cutest EVER!!!
and I'm adding you and your books to the reasons I'm REALLY REALLY excited about the RT convention!!! :)
I already watched your wonderful video on Facebook, but I didn't know where to comment, so I'll do that now. Best of luck!
awwww cute kitties.
I hope you win.
That video is absolutely ADORABLE! I'm not a cat person, but you just made me want to go adopt all the little shelter kitties in the world. Haha! I am uber excited for the May release of The Discovery- the cover is absolutely beautiful!
Be safe traveling and enjoy the convention in sunny California! :)
Congrats! And good luck with Purina.
Also glad to hear a new Ghost Huntress book is due out soon!
Marley & Patrick,
You guys did an awesome job with the video, I hope you win. It was cute to watch and I can't wait to hear back on what they say about it!
Ashley F.
I love cats, now I want one but I don't live alone.
Can't wait for the new book. *deep sigh*
your kittens are so cute ;D. Hope y'all get accepted!!!! and i can't wait for your next book ;)
Love u guys!!
I love your cats! :) I have one myself. I actually had a cat that ran away and I was so devastated. I'm doing ok now. I've been waiting for the next Ghost Huntress book forever and I cannot wait for it to come out. Have a safe journey and good luck on everything. :)
-Monica G.
If Purina doesn't pick you guys to be their traveling correspondent, they are nuts! You did a great job with this and the kittens are adorable. The story of how the kittens came into your life really touched my heart. We love Purina and so do our nine rescue kitties, so here is hoping they respond to you in a positive way.
You guys are gonna win. How can you not? You two are wonderful and the fur babies are adorable. Good luck hun.
Mar, that video is too sweet. I hope you all win.
Best of luck Marley, you two are the best. By the way, you have a wonderful talent for writing. I love your real dialogues. Keep up the good work! Can't wait for the new book!Hope to win it.
Awesome video!!! Y'all do have the perfect way to market the Purina cat food! So sorry Leeni didn't get found. I was praying she would. Go Maddi and Boo!!!
Wow, the cover is so gorgeous!
Thanks, Marl! I love your two fur babies, as you know -- so best of luck with the Purina competition!!
Love the ghost huntress series. n. And your kitties are so, so cute.
Such adorable kitties XD And I am sooo excited to meet you at the RT Booklovers convention. I've pre-ordered my ticket, and me and the friend that I'm going with were dorking out about it last night
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