Here’s one ambitious cheerleading squad who is charging 25 cents a throw:

I’m sure they made their weight in quarters!
And here’s another dunk tank, whose occupant has just seen a hard ball connect with the target, heard the bell ding, and felt the plank fall away.

Work with me here for a minute! If you were the one who threw that ball, and the dunk-ee could be any male celeb in the world, who would it be? Who you would you like to see emerge from that tank, his t-shirt all soggy and tight against his chest, his hair slicked back from the angular planes of his face, his eyes glimmering with amusement, or maybe a little resentment?
I’m going to surprise everyone and go with someone besides Josh Holloway and Mark Wahlberg (although if they get picked by someone else, I promise to hang out and enjoy the show). I'm going with Michael Phelps, the Olympic gold metalist. Because I’d be sure he could find his way back up to the surface...and he’d be mighty fine to watch hauling himself out of that tank.
Who’s next? (Steph, do you have a certain young actor to put in the hot seat?)
What I’m Reading: FOREVER IN BLUE, Ann Brashares
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
Ha! Tina, you read my mind. Seeing Shia La Buff(he likes it when I call him that) soaking wet wouldn't be all that bad!
This looks like a blast, we never had anything like this. I would have loved to have dunked a few teachers in high school! :) fun post!
Hey, that looks so great! We never had fun things like this in HS...I pick Wentworth Miller to put into the dunk tank :)
Well... There are so, so many choices. I would have to go with my perennial (which is my word of the week) favorite Brad Pitt. And of course Colin Firth as The Darcy emerging from a quick dip in the pond. But I did find this yummy pic of some random, un-famous, un-obsessed about guy, in case anyone (TINA!) wants to look... =)
Thanks, Steph, and yeah, he told me he thinks it's cute when you call him La Buff! :)
Dona, Wentworth would make a mighty dunkee, too!
And TLC, LOL on the MW pic! I had to work a little to get it...but needless to say, it was worth it! Brad and Colin are personal favorites of mine, too...
Hi Tina,
At the moment I'm watching House and so Hugh Laurie was the first one to pop into my mind. I wouldn't mind him popping between my sheets either. Don't know how my husband would feel about it, though.
OMG! Channing Tatum. In a soaked white tank top, barefoot, baggy jeans, with those gorgeous lips pursed in a pout and those sexy blue eyes looking at me as if to say, "You are SO going to pay for that, you naughty little--" Shoot! The hubby's home. Gotta go. Hah.
MY TURN, MY TURN! Okay, I wanna see Khleo Thomas. And Steph, if you've seen 'Holes', then you know who I'm talking about. And yes, he's kinda scrawny, but totally adorable. Hey, I may be 16, but I'm still allowed to drool.
I haven't seen Holes yet, but I really need to! I'll check it out soon!
Thanks for posting!
Obviously I agree with Steph (I think we're going to have to have a duel over our boy Shia pretty soon!!).
But I'm also going to have to put in a vote for Josh McHotty Hartnett. I can't get enough of that guy. Where has he been lately anyway?
PS-Did I mention that I read 10 USES FOR AN UNWORN PROM DRESS? I loved it! So adorable and sweet with a good sense of humor. I loved the characters (especially that bastard Rascal!) and the family storyline. Congratulations, Tina!! Can't wait to read many more books by you.
PS-Did I mention that I read 10 USES FOR AN UNWORN PROM DRESS? I loved it! So adorable and sweet with a good sense of humor. I loved the characters (especially that bastard Rascal!) and the family storyline. Congratulations, Tina!! Can't wait to read many more books by you.
Sorry to be late in responding, but I went out-of-town!
Hugh Laurie is a great dunkee, Janie!
Oooh, and Channing Tatum!
Draven, I've seen Holes. Is he the adorable barefoot boy? He really caught my eye.
Alex, Josh Hotnett--uh, Harnett--is another fine choice. Such chiseled features!
And thanks so much for the sweet words about my book! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
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