I have been dying for today to get here all week. Like Tera, I kind of felt like I was cheating because I've had a clear picture in my mind of all of these characters for a very long time. Since none of you have read the book yet (except, TLC) it will be fun to see if you agree with the actors I picked once you read the book. Because you ARE going to read the book, right? :)
Aspen Brooks~ My heroine is sassy, sophisticated, and smart as a whip. She is also occasionally so full of herself that you want to smack her upside the head with her favorite Dooney, but in the end that's why you'll love her. The only person I can ever see doing Aspen's character justice is Hayden Panettiere. I first saw her in Racing Stripes and knew that she would be perfect. Of course, she's exploded due to her Heroes fame (which sadly, I've never watched). I think Hayden is trying so hard to portray herself as a positive role model that it makes me heart her even more!

Rand Bachrach~the unconventional homecoming king who makes Aspen realize there is more to life than Dooney's. The actor I would pick for Rand's role (and I just know you couldn't see this coming) is Shia LaBeouf. I swear that he was my pick way before he got all hot. Seriously.
Man, that boy makes me drool! Okay, sorry, moving on.
Angel Ives~ Angel is Aspen's nemesis and lives to make her life miserable. She is the head cheerleader of the Seagals and doesn't mind stealing another girl's boyfriend. I needed someone beautiful who could fight dirty. I like Alexa Vega. She was so awesome in Spy Kids and I think she would definitely be an awesome Angel.

Lucas Riley~ Aspen's boyfriend and quarterback of the Comfort Seagulls. Lucas is the hottest guy in school but isn't exactly on the honor roll each semester. I think from Cody Linley from Hoot would be perfect.
Tobi Groves~ Every girl has to have a trusty sidekick and Aspen is no exception. Tobi has been by her side since pre-k even if Aspen tends to take her a bit for granted. I loved Kristin Stewart in The Panic Room with Jodie Foster and now she's all grown up. I think she would shine as Aspen's b/f/f
Miss Hott~ the high school principal who has to put up with all of them. I think Ricki Lake would be a perfect Miss Hott, although she would have to bulk up again for the role.

That was a blast! I can't wait to hear what you think of my choices.
What I'm reading....Marked by P.C. & Kristin Cast
Am I going to read this book? Yep...in fact, I already have 5 copies on pre-order! (Which sounds like a snarky comment, but Steph, you know to be true.)
I LOVE the casting here, in particular that cute Cody Linley from HOOT, and although I admit I've never seen Shia LaBoeuf before, he DOES quite capture the imagination.
How many days do we have to wait until the release of REVENGE OF THE HOMECOMING QUEEN???
Definitely going to read this book! :) Great casting choices, too. I love putting a real face with characters.
Cannot WAIT to read this, Steph!!!!
Steph, what a great cast! I can't wait to read Revenge!! :) :)
Steph, these are all so perfect! Especially Tobi and Miss Hott--I would never have picture Ricki, but as soon as I saw her I thought, "Omigod, yes!" I have to say, though, that your cover model is so Aspen for me, that I can't picture anyone but her in the role. (But if I'd read it BC--before cover--then Hayden would so be Aspen.)
I know you have this minor thing for Shia--and he would make the best Rand ever--but will I be blacklisted if I say I really, really like Cody Linley? (And secretly I really, really like Lucas, too--for reasons that can only be understood when you get to the end of the book.)
[off to pre-order her copy from Amazon]
Hayden is perfect! She has that whole--I'm-cute-with-attitude thing going on, just like Aspen.
I love Hayden! She's so cute, yet All-American beautiful...I pictured her the whole time I was reading PROM DRESS too though!
Great list Steph! Oooh, pressure's on for me now :)
Hey Steph (and other gals),
I didn't know you had this site! Thanks for letting me know. Isn't casting the movie of your novel too much fun? I agree that Cody Linley is adorable. I like Hayden okay, (but her show is a bit freaky for me).
Let us know when Hollywood comes-a-callin'!
Very nice line-up! :)
Looking forward to the book!
Thanks for the great comments, everybody!
Tina~ It's one month & 15 days, not that I'm counting or anything.
TLC~ I'm loving that you fell for Lucas!
I'm getting very nervous about my release now that I can finally see it on the horizon, but it definitely helps to have such great people supporting me!
hugs to everybody,
This makes me totally lame, but I prefer to imagine characters in my head. I also (again, lame lame lame) hate music videos because I like to make up the images in my head rather than see them. However, when the Revenge of the Homecoming Queen movie comes out (to rave reviews) I will see it 8 times in the theater (one more time than I saw The Fellowship of the Ring).
I guess I'd better go ahead and order a few copies for my classroom!
Oh yeah, speaking of images. I remember when you sent me the first chapters when you were working on the manuscript, and when I saw the title, Revenge of the Homecoming Queen, I immediately got a picture in my head. I finally figured it out- it was the cover of Live Through This by Hole (one of my all time favorite Yours is much better- your cover rocks, but this "homecoming queen" certainly leaves an impression.
I love this casting, Steph!
Absolutely Alexa Vega would make a great Angel, and totally agree with your choice of Shia!!!!!!!
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