You have to swim pretty darn fast to catch up with Buzz girl Tera Lynn Childs.
Not only is her successful mermaid book spawning a sequel this June, but Tera's also taking on the mythological demon busting business with a brand new series featuring kick-butt teen heroines.
How she manages to be this productive and still have a life is a complete mystery - but her readers are definitely reaping the benefits!
Continuing our "What's New" feature on the buzz blog, here's my interview with wonder woman/author TLC.
I just finished up the "Anglicanisation" process for the UK edition of Forgive My Fins, which comes out this summer, and I'm excited to announce that my UK publisher just bought the rights to publish the sequel, Fins Are Forever, too.
On my desk right now are the final page proofs for Sweet Venom, my last chance to look at the book before it goes into print--eep! Then, at some point soon, I have to start writing the second book in the Medusa girls trilogy, which is due June 1st. I have the synopsis done and I know where the story has to go... it's just a little daunting to dive into a "middle" book. I'm also working (as always) on a couple of secret projects that may or may not come to fruition in the near future.
What's coming up in 2011?
Bookwise this is my biggest year yet. I have Fins Are Forever coming out at the end of June and, just like with Goddess Boot Camp, I'm nervous about sending a sequel into the world. My fingers are crossed though and early responses are super-positive.

What about upcoming travels this year? Where can readers meet you?
Besides my impending move to Seattle (soon, very soon) I have a bunch of professional travel lined up this year. First up is the RT Booklovers Convention in LA the first weekend in April. I heart booklovers and I heart LA so this is a double-win, plus there is a huge Teen Day this year and I'll get to hang with some Bees, too.
Then I'm heading back to Texas for the Texas Library Association conference, where Forgive My Fins is nominated to the Lone Star Reading List. This summer will include a trip to visit the parents in Vegas and the Romance Writers of America conference in New York, followed by another trip to Texas to do Fins Are Forever signings in Houston. There's more travel coming up in the Fall, but that's only sorta semi-public and not fully finalized, so let's just say that I think I'll be visiting the Midwest come October.... I think that's everything!
That's a lot! I'm tired just reading about everything you've got going on, Tera. Thanks for the interview!
And now, readers, do you have any questions for Tera? Post them in comments!!
It's green, perfect for St. Patrick's Day! Comment or submit questions every day for more chances to win.
Good luck!
I am soooo excited for Fins are Forever, I just reread the Forgive my Fins.
My head is swimming over all you have going on, Tera!
And here's a question for you. I know that you try to adhere to a vegan diet. In your travels, are there some fast-food options that you can rely on? For instance, I've heard that Jack in the Box tacos are actually meatless...
Really, Tina? No meat in the meat taco? That is so crazy... How can they call it a meat taco? :)
Heather, I have heard it is soy protein. But I am hoping Tera has the real deal on veggie fast food!
Ha, Tina, good question (I think). I make my vegan life easier by using an app called VeganXpress that lists vegan options at a lot of fast food places. My mainstay is Taco Bell, where I can get bean burritos w/o cheese and 7 layer burritos w/o cheese or sour cream.
As for Jack in the Box, according to my app the vegan options are... ciabatta bread, regular bun, veggies, BBQ sauce, fruit cup, mandarin oranges, and side salad w/o cheese. Now I'm not saying there's actual meat in the tacos--there could be egg or milk protein holding the "meat" together--but they're apparently not vegan.
I can't wait for Fins are Forever. I'm sure it will live up to Forgive my Fins. I'm impressed at all of the work you're doing this year, and still impatient for more. You're that good! Thanks for writing some of my favorite books :)
I really like that cover for Sweet Venom- it looks very interesting! I'm pretty excited about that Trilogy. Good luck with your future travels!
Tera, very interesting, thank you! Now you may resume talk of your books...
Such a busy girl! I can't wait to read Sweet Venom! :)
OMG!!!!! I'm like countig down the days until Fins are Forever!!!!! I've read Fogive my Fins like 3 times. I'm so OBSEST(sp?).
I have a question also. Is there a book coming out after Goddess Bootcamp? like a sequal?
Aw, anonymous, you're so sweet! I can't believe you've read FMF so many times. That's awesome!
As for more books for Phoebe... I wish I could say definitively one way or the other, but for now I have to say no. I have some ideas, but it's a matter of my publisher wanting to do more and lots of other things. Things might change someday so keep your fingers crossed.
LOVE the cover for Sweet Venom!
cooleo. my fav color is green!! and tera i luv ur books.
cooleo. my fav color is green!! and tera i luv ur books.
Sounds like an awesome year for you Tera!
Ithink everyone will agree with me when Isay, "We want REALLY badly another book to add with Oh.My.Gods. How long until you will kindly grant us with this liturature art we demand?"
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