A few years later, my dad got remarried and I got a step-brother who reminded me so much of Ralph that it was just creepy to like him anymore. The new crush would have some serious shoes to fill. A little show called, Blossom, came on the air and Ralph was a distant memory. Hello, or WHOOOOA (for those of you with a really good memory), JOEY LAWRENCE. He wasn't the little pip squeak from Gimme a Break anymore. He had a bod to die for and a head of hair that any girl would kill her. Plus, he could sing, kind of.
He's dropped the Y so he's just Joe now. Hairless Joe. I'm kind of over the whole Mr. Clean look but he's still doing pretty good. He's popped up in episodes of CSI, an ABC Family movie a few years ago, Dancing with the Stars, and my favorite, Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber with Jennifer Love Hewitt a few years ago. If you haven't seen this one, rent it, it's awesome. I was prepared to stay with Joey until the end, but I was completely blindsided by another celebrity crush. Sorry, Joey.
In my defense, I was double-teamed so I didn't have a chance. Yes, I'm talking about The Corey's. Who didn't love these brothers from another mother?
Some of my favorite movies are Dream a Little Dream, The Lost Boys, The Goonies, License to Drive, and Blown Away. Sadly, they both got caught up in childhood fame and lost themselves to drugs. Corey F. has been sober for quite some time and seems happily married with a gorgeous little boy. Corey H. has had a much bigger struggle and I didn't post a now picture because, quite honestly, they were all very disturbing. But I think he's back on track and found out while looking for info on them that they are going to be doing a reality show on A & E together that starts this summer. I will definitely be tuning in!
So, did you have a crush on any of these guys? If not, who was your biggest teenage crush?
What I'm reading...Bloom by Elizabeth Scott
All that matters is what's inside...as long as your outside is wearing the tiara!
REVENGE OF THE HOMECOMING QUEEN, July 3,2007, Berkley Jam Books
I think my biggest crush was Enrique Iglesias...that one lasted a solid 7 years!
Great fun reading about your crushes, Steph! Um, back then I kind of went for rock star/basketball star/20-something guys, rather than the classic teen idols, but Shaun Cassidy will always have a place in my heart. In fact, I hear he's a writer now...
Joey may well have been my first TV crush. Mario Lopez definitely comes to mind.
We definitely shared the same taste as pre-teens, Steph. I had TigerBeat centerfolds of all of above... until New Kids on the Block came around. Then it was all Jordan Knight, all the time. Let's see, there was also Kirk Cameron, Fred Savage and all of the brat pack (especially Emilio Estevez).
Oh, the memories...
How about River Phoenix. Or is he too much of a bummer, all things considered? Oh, and I have to admit I loved The Lost Boys (starring both Coreys).
I wasn't loyal back then - I had a crush on just about every guy in Hollywood: Johnny Depp, Rob Lowe, Matthew Broderick, Ralph M (is he really pushing 50?!), Corey Haim, Jason Patric, etc, etc.
Tera Lynn, my best friend went on tour with Jordan Knight and NKOTB during their heyday. But what happens on tour, stays on tour, so I'll never know all the details...
Steph, I honestly think sometimes that we were separated at birth. LOL!! Love this post. If it had Rick Springfield as Dr. Noah Drake, we would be channeling. And for the record, Rick is still VERY HOT, even at nearly 54.
Marley = )
Yes, Bethany -- River Phoenix was so hot. Also, and he fell a long, long way from grace -- but Leif Garrett. I think I actually wrote him a fan letter when I was ten. He's not so hot now, but back in the day....
thta movie the outsiders had a lot of hot guys in it although they're all old now. rob lowe is still blazing.
My crushes:
Rob Lowe
Christopher Atkins
Jordan Knight
Grant Show
Richard Greico (during his "Booker" days)
But I'm curious about Authorness's comment. I attended two NKOTB concerts in their heyday. Who was the friend that toured with them?
I loved the Coreys in "Goonies," but I liked the older brother more. Brand his name was (short for Brandon I imagine.) My main squeezes were Johnny Depp (21 Jump Street) and sweet River Phoenix who met an untimely death at Johnny's punk club in L.A.
My sister was obsessed w/ Kirk Cameron and we both loved the curly-haired Christopher Atkins (ala: Blue Lagoon and the Pirate Movie.)
Wow. Those examples poured out WAY TOO EASILY.
Oh, I loved Richard Grieco and Christoper Atkins too! I've seen The Blue Lagoon about a hundred times!
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