Yes, it's the day to celebrate my lucky star, my critique partner Heather Davis.

Isn't she gorgeous?
I met Heather years ago at a local RWA meeting where she was doing a million different things, including finaling in the Stilleto contest with her YA novel THE SECRET LIFE OF AMBER HICKENBOTTOM, being the VP of the RWA chapter, making newbies like me feel at home in the chapter, and generally being her usual faboo self!
She was so sweet and so kind to me that immediately, I felt a bond to this super-experience writer and was so grateful for how great she was.
Fast forward a few years and I was looking for a critique partner for my very first, brand new YA novel HOW TO SALSA IN A SARI. And Heather was looking for a critique partner for her fourth (or fifth?) YA novel titled NEVER CRY WEREWOLF.
The stars aligned and everything fell into place. Within a few months of us critiquing each other's books, we each got agents, we formed a fantastic group called The Buzz Girls, and soon after, we both sold!
Plus, I was the one lucky enough to be by Heather's side as she was a double nominee for a GH in 2006 AND the winner of best YA manuscript for HAUNT ME.
So, you see folks, Heather really has been my lucky charm. She is always ready to help me plot though my books, help me work out my characterization kinks, and talk me into actually doing marketing for my books.
Heather is truly my writer soul-mate. I would love to hear about other such relationships out there in the publishing world!
Dona Sarkar-Mishra
SHRINK TO FIT - August 2008
She IS gorgeous. I want her cheekbones...and hair...and jacket. :)
As for your other question, so many people have been crucial to my development as a writer--from other writers to networking groups to editors to friends and family. Truly, they're all stars in the constellation of my imminent uber-success. (Damn, I so totally just jinxed myself, didn't I?) XO
I've already dished about Kelly and me, but know I am soooooo happy for you and Heather, that you have such a wonderful relationship, both professionally and personally.
Mwuahaha.... You'll have to wait until Sunday to find out about my writing soulmate. =) So glad you guys found each other, and in the same metro area, no less!
Hey Alexa!
I am so happy that you have a support network around you as you make this journey--so important!
Tina: I can't wait to FINALLY meet Kelly this year
Tera: Looking fwd to the weekend to see your post!
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