1) Please do not hand me a twenty dollar bill when you are buying something for a quarter, especially at six o' clock in the morning. It will not go over well.
2) Please do not let your child play with all of the toys for an hour and then not buy anything.
3) Please do not haggle with me over something marked ten cents. Seriously.
4) Please do not go through all my old clothes for sale and complain that they are just TOO big.
5) Do show up as I'm getting ready to close and offer me fifty bucks for everything! :)
Believe it or not, rummage sales are a great way to meet people. And you just never know when you might find that treasure you've been searching for.
So, are you a rummager or is your idea of a hand-me-down dating your b/f/f's b/f?
What I'm reading now...Airhead by Meg Cabot
I love rummage sales. We have a couple every year and it's my favorite way to get rid of my old stuff AND get money. I love going to them to. Last weekend, I went to one and got cds for .50 each. So yeah, they rock. :)
I've thrown a few myself, and got good laughs out of your tips list. And reading this brought back a great memory of once having found a pair of jeans for $1.00 at a rummage sale and how I wore them to shreds...
I love going to the sales but hate putting them together myself. It's sooo much work to convince my kids to part with anything. Much easier to convince them that it mysteriously disappeared LOL!
My mom and I love rummage sales. When its rummage sale season we always drive or walk around looking for signs pointing us to one. I love looking through people's old things, its fun, lol.
I WISH we had these where I live! I could imagine spending hours poring through people's books and buying 35 of them for $5. :)
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