Kelly Parra and I met five years ago through a critique partner coordinator in the Kiss of Death Chapter of Romance Writers of America. Our love for writing (and for family) helped us to quickly bond, and to become the most important person in each other’s writing lives.

Kelly and I have ridden many waves together, but whether up or down, we’re “there” for each other, with support and our full attention to each others’ projects.
Last year, her first book, GRAFFITI GIRL, was released to rave reviews, and this year, she was thrilled to receive The Call from the Rita Award coordinator not once, but twice, with the news that it was a finalist for Best First Book and Best Young Adult Romance. (Yay, Kelly!)

This September, her second YA novel, INVISIBLE TOUCH, hits the shelves. Here is a sneak peak at the blurb:
Secrets. Everyone has them. Some are bigger than others, and sometimes the only way to keep them from consuming you is to whisper them on a weblog. Kara Martinez is a normal, uncomplicated teenager on the outside, but hides a traumatic past and a surreal secret that she reveals only on an anonymous website.
Kara sees signs
Moments of time where a single image appears on the front of a persons torso, like a small screen, showing a quick flick. The same words repeated to her in the physical world, on television, in print, or by someone speaking to her. Signs of premonition, she calls them, since the images are forewarnings about the person involved--one piece linked to a bigger puzzle. With the repercussion of debilitating headaches should she ignore her ability, Kara has no other choice but to follow the clues and attempt to save others from possible unfortunate fates.
An invisible gift or a curse?
When one vision leads her to Anthony Garcia, a dangerous boy from a rough side of town, she is thrust into a conflict between teen rivals. Despite her familys concern, she cant stop her growing feelings for Anthony or the brutal images she sees on the people around him that are pushing her into danger. While those closest to her begin to look into the secrets of her past and her present, Kara must stop one fate from turning deadly--and its fatal outcome from becoming her own.

INVISIBLE TOUCH is a terrific read, one that will stay with you long after you put it down. You can preorder here through Amazon:
Well, I have loved this opportunity to brag about Kelly! Now feel free to follow my lead and say something sweet or fantastic about her, too!
Tina Ferraro
How to Hook a Hottie - Book Sense Top Teen Pick
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress - Finalist, National Reader’s Choice Award
Tina, you are so great! And I every time I think about the first time we started chatting on-line it was like an instant connection.
It has been and always will be a great honor to be your CP!! Thanks so much for chatting about me and TOUCH on BBB! :) :)
You're welcome, Kelly! And yeah, our connection was we like to say, like twins separated at birth.
But apologizes to you and all that no matter how hard I've tried, I can't get the Amazon link to work. I don't know if it's the blogger or me, but in any case, all interested parties, go to and type in Kelly Parra and you'll have a direct link!
I've heard alot about Kelly through Tina. And I know how beneficial their relationship is to both of them.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Janie! Is it possible that you two have never met? I know you were both at the Reno RWA conference...
I'm big fans of Kelly AND Tina. :) Great post.
You are so lucky to have found a CP that turned out to be a magical match! That critique parter coordinator should have her title changed to "Fairy God Mother" :0) all the success between the two of you goes to prove that you must work very well together and sharpen one another! I'm sure it makes all the difference in the world to have someone who can be constructive and a cheerleader all at the same time.
I haven't read Kelly's work yet, but I will and I'm looking forward to it! Her up-and-coming release sounds fantastic and right up my alley!
Thanks, Jessica! :)
And Christy, you're right about that critique partner coordinator being my Fairy God Mother. As a matter of fact, when I send Kelly chapters I'm unsure about, I often ask for her "fairy dust" to make them sparkle.
Thanks Janie and Jess!
C.R., yes I agree about the critique coordinator! haha! Thanks for your kind comment!
Tina, you know you do the same for my books! :)
I think you win the prize for Most RITA Nominated CP! =) Yay for you two finding each other. And I have to say the cover for Invisible Touch is gorgeous.
Thank you about the cover, Tera!!
Great post and a wonderful tribute to your CP. Congrats, Kelly!!
Marley = )
Kelly, I agree you have the BEST covers. I can't wait to read Graffiti's on my nightstand and I've heard it's amazing.
Congrats on the RITA final!
Congrats on the Rita final Kelly! I am so proud of both of you gals...and I can't wait to pick up INVISIBLE fantastic was that blurb!!
Thanks, Marley!! Congrats on your releases!!
Thanks, Simone, I've heard awesome things about all your titles! Congrats on your final, too! I'm eager to read LEAVING PARADISE!
Thank you, Dona! Congrats on your debut! I'm looking forward to it!
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