It's not the ghost part that I have a problem with. At this point in my life, I believe just about anything can happen. The part I don't buy, is why in the world would a ghost choose to haunt my town? It is seriously boring here. Not kidding. If you could just appear anywhere wouldn't you just show up in Hawaii or something? Okay, so maybe you have to stay close to where your energy was or something like that (Marley knows all about this stuff!) but I still can't imagine you would want to take your new ghost friends for a tour of the soybean/corn fields around here.
One place I would love to take a ghost tour is The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. Now those are some haunt-worthy digs. I have actually been to the Stanley in the early 90's but I haven't been on the tour. I know Marley has and I can only imagine it was amazing. After all, this was the inspiration for Stephen King's The Shining. And while I don't think I would request to stay on the third or fourth floor, I would love to stay here someday.

And here is a cheesy little ghost joke for you!
What do ghosts eat for dinner?
Uh... spook ghetti? You are too funny, Steph! I would love to go on a New Orleans ghost tour in the French Quarter - but I'm sure it would freak me out!
That hotel at Estes Park you picked is pretty creepy - I've seen it across the lake when I visited Denver a long time ago. Creeppppppy!
I cannot think of any haunted places, I have a very low creepy tolerance. I can read it, but to actually be in that situation, I think I would be frozen in fear. Wimpy, I know, but that stuff seriously creepy me out. Now, for a million dollars I might be able to spend the night in that creepy hotel on your post...maybe.
I did take a tour in a ghosthouse a few minutes ago, in the Sorrel & Weed(?) house in Savannah, GA. I didn't see any ghosts though (can have something to do with me being there in broad daylight ;P)
Î think I would be scared to death and not sleep for days if I went to one of those tours, so I'll be a good girl and read/watch TV about ghost, not to late at night, so I can keep sleeping lol
I would love to tour around New Orleans...nothing specific but I am sure there are quite a few ghosts hanging around there.
I am babysitting my niece and nephew tonight so that my sister and brother in law can go on a ghost tour in our town.
Again Marley, congrats on the double release week.
Congrats to Marley on the double release week ^^
I would love to go on the Haunted Pub tour in Savannah GA. Not only do you get to hear about cool ghosts but you get to drink a few pints in their haunts, too awesome.
I would love to tour a haunted castle. (Okay, I'd love to tour any castle, but a haunted one would be extra special.)
The Stanley is a beautiful, creepy old hotel. I treated my parents (and myself) to a night there for their anniversary one year. The spookiest part? The near-ancient, close the doors yourself elevator!
I'd love to go on a ghost tour at the Tower of London. Spooky, but incredibly interesting!
I wanted to go on the Seattle underground tour - but we didn't have enough time.
I have a pretty active imagination so most places can creep me out. Anywhere I go I could think was haunted.
I think it would be cool to do a ghost tour in Salem, especially around Halloween!
I'm not sure if I'd want to go on a tour - I get creeped out pretty easy :P
I make it a rule to go on a ghost tour in every city I travel to, if they have them. The most memorably spooky ones were in New Orleans; London and York, England; Edinburgh, Scotland; and Salem, MA. However, I would love to do a ghost tour of Dracula's Castle in Transylvania.
Um, gulp ... I'd stay really far away from haunted places!
I've never been on a ghost tour but I'd love to go on one anywhere! I really want to go to Europe cos they said some of the castles were haunted? Besides, people were executed there so there's bound to be ghosts ... right?
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