I remember the first time I met Heather at the Chick Lit Writers party. And then, I remember when Heather won the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart award. She looked fabulous and gave an eloquent speech. I knew that gal was going places.
And look at her now. If this book isn't already in your TBR pile, then go out and get it now.
Since we're talking about firsts, I thought I'd share a first experience of mine that I just had. As you all know, I'm going through a big life change and have been living a bit more of an adventurous life. Our readers know that I learned to SCUBA dive (and recently encountered about sixty or so dogfish sharks on a dive in New England), but I also did something that I've wanted to do foooooooooooooooooorever!
I went parasailing!
You know, I'm a writer...but I find it hard to form the exact words to explain what an amazing experience this was. For lack of a better description, it's like you're ascending into heaven. It's so ridonkulously peaceful, I can't even begin to tell you. The wind is quiet and serene and there's nothing but the soft flap of the sail behind you and your own thoughts.
First, you get strapped into the life jacket and then put in the harness at the back of the boat. You sit on your bottom and grip the bar over head. The shoot is fully inflated and then the boat takes off.
As the boat gets up speed, the rope is released little by little until you are about five hundred feet in the air. NOT even kidding! We were up there for about 12 minutes before they started reeling us in. At the very end, before you get back to the boat, they stop so that you plunge into the water up to your waist. Very refreshing. Our guy even dunked us twice upon our yelled request.
Then, they reel you back in and you're done. All in a matter of moments. And you realize...I did it!
It truly is breathtaking!
And as you know, Heather's giving away books this week, so if you'd like to be entered in today's drawing, please leave a comment in the trail and let us know if you've ever been parasailing. Have you ever wanted to? Do you think I'm insane? LOL!! Feel free to leave as many comments as you'd like.
Again...major congrats to Heather!!!
Hugs and love,
Marley = )
Both available now!
I've never been parasailing but I think that it would be a cool thing to do. It's awesome that you had that adventure, Marley! :)
I never have--but I really want to!!
I've never been parasailing. I'd like to do it, but it's something that would terrify mu husband. But maybe it's something I would do solo.
That's an adventure I'd love to take! It must feel like being bird.
I've never been parasailing, but the view looks gorgeous!
Oh parasailing sounds like so much fun! I've seen people do it, and I want to do it too!
And I have to agree, the cover of never cry werewolf is gorgeous!
Insane, no? Brave and utterly cool? Totally! Wow, Marley, I am way too chicken so you can live that dream for both of us!
I've never went parasailing, but my mom has.... But of course, she' the crazy one in our family! : ) Not that you're crazy or anything.... :o)
Yes, I have gone parasailing before. It was in Kenora, Ontario and it was incredible!! I want to do it again!
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
I've never been parasailing but I've seen people do it and I've wanted to so much!!
wow, parasailing! never did that, dont have the guts for it, too high brr! But you are really a power girl to take the dare to do it! thumbs up! : )
Marley -- I am so proud of all these cool things you are doing! Wow! It's awesome watching you bloom. ;)
I definitely don't think you're insane! I SO wanna go parasailing! And seeing your pics and hearing your story makes me wanna go even more! My sis, her friend and I are supposed to go sky diving at the end of this month for my b-day. Can't wait! Parasailing is next.
Parasailing sounds really cool! I want to try it at least once before I become too old LOL. =]
kate.readthisbook [at] gmail [dot] com
i have never gone parasaling i always want 2 do dangeous stuff. i asked my dad if he had 30 days 2 live what would u do? he said he would go sky diving and he is the one telling me not 2 go sky diving!
WANDA: You were Marley's winner -- can you email me at Heather(at)Heatherdavisbooks.com with your mailing address?
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