To celebrate her release week and in honor of this being her first book, we're all talking about The First Time I.... And for me? Well, I'm going to talk about the first time I flew by myself.
We lived in California, and I must have been about ten. I was flying from San Diego to Sacramento, so it wasn't a long flight at all. (I don't even remember why, except that my grandparents and aunts were in Sacramento.) And, although I put on a brave face for my parents, I was terrified!

Right before I got on the plane, my mom gave me her watch to hold. It had a narrow face and a white leather band. I remember sitting on the plane, that watch clutched in my hands, staring out the window and crying the entire flight. It was night and I was staring out at nothingness.
The poor flight attendant kept trying to make me feel better. To no avail.
Everything turned out okay, of course--I mean, I'm here to write this post, right? My plane landed and my tears were instantly forgotten. I think that was the first times I realized that most things are not as scary as they seem at the time. I try to keep that in mind any time I'm scared. Will this fear seem silly as soon as this moment is over?
It doesn't always work, but sometimes....
Okay, now don't forget that Heather's giving away books. To enter today, comment with the answer to this question:
Have you ever been scared silly by a situation, only to realize later you were being just plain silly?
You can't win if you don't comment!
Oh. My. Gods. and Goddess Boot Camp (out now!)
Forgive My Fins (coming June 1, 2010)
Definitely. We went to the Field of Terror and I was freaking out, but then I realized it was just people dressed up in costumes so how is that scary?(:
Ah, I'm always silly scared of public speaking. I freak myself out, and then after I'm done I'm like that wasn't so bad. lol
I get a little freaked out by bridges. I just keep thinking that I'm going to lose control of my car, go over the railing and drown!
It was horrible 'cause when I was going to my old school, I had to drive to and fro on a bridge for a whole year, yikes!
I was scared the first time my parents drove into an automatic car wash. I still hate those stupid things.
Definitely. The first thing that comes to mind was how afraid I was to go away to camp when I was younger, only to have a blast.
scary, me?at the moment I am suffering from anxiety attacks, everything seems scary sometimes to me unfortunately. sometimes I am even scared to get on a train..
I was and still am scared of swimming in lakes. I am really scared that some fish and what not will bite my toes!
I know it's ridiculous 'cause they are more scared of me then I'm scared of them... but anyhow. I don't swim in lake's deep water!
The first time I had a filling at the dentist when I was a kid. The long needle was a little intimidating. Of course after that visit it wasn't scary at all. :)
I'm always silly scared about the safety of my books. They never see direct sunlight and each one gets a plastic sleeve for dust and water protection. I even cut my nails short so I won't accidentely scratch my books. :P
When I got my cartilage pierced, 5 years ago.
It was a spur of the moment thing, but I was terrified that it would hurt like crazy (pain & I don't get along). I sat in the chair, my heart was pounding, and I cringed when I felt the gun thingie touch my ear. And then...nothing. Not only was it over in about a second, but it didn't even hurt! I felt silly that I wasted all that energy being scared over nothing.
Well, there was this one time at the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland... I literaly sang "Disco Duck" to keep myself from getting more freaked out. TMI, I know. ;)
Great post, Tera!
I was soooo scared to get up on stage and play Mary in a Christmas play at my church! All I had to do was, cross the stage stand next to this guy, and say my one sentence. Stupid, huh?!?! Well, I lived through it. Although I wasn't too sure at the time. My friend DID say afterwards that I basically ran across stage, making poor Joseph run too. Oh well....
Congrats on the release of your debut! I'm eager to pick up a copy. And the cover is great.
Oops! I meant to sign that last comment. Congrats again, Heather!
Yep, having a hermit crab crawl over my palm and freaking out only to realize how silly I've been!
OMG Stephanie...I'm totally with you on the car wash! I was freaked when I was a little kid riding through one of those things. That was back in the day where the humongoid Cookie Monster type whirling brushes attacked your car. LOL!!
I'm just posting to say that I love the cover and can't wait to pick up a copy!
Loads of times! I went to an job interview a couple of days ago, and I was sooo nervous the days before, but it turned out not being scary or hard at all!
Great blog, Tera! And truth me told, I was scared the first time I drove the car without anyone else in it. Even though I was the proud owner of a brand new driver's license!
I have definitely been scared silly before, but then looking back I was just silly. It seems that I am always surrounded by people and it is seldom that I have the house to myself. One evening I was home alone...I can remember how this happened as I am never alone...but I thought I heard a noise and I was so freaked out that I truned all the lights and TVs on so that there was noise. I honestly know there was nothing to be scared of, but I still was.
one time there was this really big test that counted for half of my graed. i was so afrid i would fail that i made the teacher graed it first and tell me the graed before my next class. i got 105%. i was so scared for noting.
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