We are continuing our celebration of Marley Gibson’s TWO releases this week, Ghost-Huntress-Book-2-Guidance and Other-Side-Teens-Hunting-Paranormal with giveaways of both books to one lucky commenter each day!
Our theme this week is ghosts, which inevitably takes my mind to Bath, England, known as one of the ghost sighting capitals of the world.
Three summers ago my family and I spent a memorable day there. We took a bus tour, which included historic overviews and stories of the town, stops at several Roman baths, and lunch at a tavern in the old town area. But what surprised me was how little information our tour guide gave us on ghosts.
But that didn't mean I didn't know what I was missing! I had my eyes open, anyway. For apparitions like...
The Man in the Black Hat:
Bath’s most famous and oft-seen ghost, the man in the black hat is dressed in 18th century attire, and can be seen around Saville Road and Bennett Street.
Horse Drawn Carriage:
An elegant four-horse drawn carriage is sometimes spotted outside of the Royal Crescent Hotel, where long ago, a Miss Elizabeth Linley and the Irish playwright and politician Richard Brinsley Sheridan eloped. This followed a sword-drawn duel over her hand, in which the Irish playwright won.
The Jilted Bride:
Julia, a jilted bride, can be seen wandering around Queen Square in her white gown.
The Restaurant Patrons:
At the historic restaurant, Popjoy’s, two ghosts are repeatedly and separately “seen” dining. One is believed to be Juliana Popjoy herself, the 18th-century mistress of Beau Nash for whom the restaurant is named. Beau Nash owned the establishment and lived there in his later years. Also, a woman called Janet or Janice, who seems to be a woman from the 1960’s.
I never saw any of them, but it's not like I didn't try!
Now tell us, if you could spot the ghost of a deceased celebrity of any era enjoying tea and scones or kidney pie and a tankard in Popjoy’s, who would it be?
I’ll open with Margaret Mitchell of Gone With the Wind fame!
Remember, one commenter will be chosen to win a copy of both Marley’s books!
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys
Ooooh, Bath sounds deliciously creepy! Too bad you didn't see anything, but maybe I should visit. I can't have worse luck than I've had on previous efforts (per yesterday's post).
Who's ghost would I want to see (and hopefully talk to)? Since we're talking England, I'll say Jane Austen.
I can't say offhand which celebrity ghost I'd like to talk to. I'd just like to talk to anyone from the other side and ask them what it's like.
Congrats to Marley!
Yay! I found you.
Who knew Bath had so many spirits running around or floating around.
Actually, call me wimpy, but I'd just as soon NOT see one while eating or anything else. Not particularly enamored of them.
Good article though. :-)
I would not be surprized to see Thomas Edison floating around. I can see him floating around modern inventions while scribbling on a translucent notebook
Ooh, I love Bath! Never seen a ghost there, though. (However, I once attended a concert in the Pump Room, and the lady next to me sang along with everything. Much more annoying than a ghost, IMHO.)
I would say, without a doubt..Audrey Hepburn. Would love to talk to her about her charity work and secretly copying some style ; )
I think I would like to make Shakespeare's ghost. THe guy most have so many itneresting things to say!
Sounds creepy, Tina! I think I'd like to see John Hughes(I'm still missing him!)
Oooh ghosts, I think I would like to meet Poe or Houdini since he wanted to make contact so much! Great blog, I'm now following.
Does Jim Henson count? I've always loved his genius and was sad that he was taken away from the world much too soon.
I'd have to say Grace Kelly!
Sounds like fun. Maybe next time they will come out and talk.
I would like to meet and talk with Charles Dickens.
Bath sounds very interesting. I think that it would very creepily (not sure if this is a word) cool to see one of those ghosts.
I would have to agree with Marjolein and say Audrey Hepburn. I just think that she would be so fascinating to chat with. I can only imagine the things she could share about her life.
wow...how could I just pick one person? I guess I would say Elvis just so we know if he is REALLY passed on or not..LOL!
Haha I'll go with Michael JAckson & Tupac, for the same reason as Froggy! ;)
Ooh.. creepy! I would maybe enjoy the company of the ghost of Dorothy Parker. She'd be hilarious and fabulous, after death. I swear when I stayed at the Algonquin Hotel in NYC, I felt her presence all around me.
I cannot think of just one - I think Jane Austen would be a pretty cool ghost to see though.
Now this is tempting (and I have a hard time resisting temptation), but if it comes down to one, I'd want to meet Emily Bronte. Wuthering Heights is a work that extends far beyond the normal reams of imagination and I can't quite imagine how it would be like to meet the creator of it. For now, I'm mystified ^_^
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