I remember being so shocked and honored when Heather and Dona asked me to be a part of a new blog they were putting together. Three years later, I'm constantly amazed by the talent, strength, and courage of my fellow bees. We have all been through so many changes and struggles of our own the last three years, but we have stuck together by offering support and friendship when it was needed most.
This is a picture from the 2007 RWA Nationals in Dallas. Sadly, Marley couldn't be with us that year. I'm really hoping we can all meet up in Nashville next year.

Thank you, Marley. Thank you, Tina. Thank you, Heather. Thank you, Dona. And thank you, Tera! Thank you for being the incredible women that you are and for being my friends.
Okay, enough mushy stuff. Leave a comment about something/someone you are thankful for for your chance to win any BBG book that you choose!
I'm thankful that all of my writer friends totally get me when I go through the emotional roller coaster called writing a book. Only other writers understand the highs and lows of trying to make it in this business.
that's actually pretty easy for me, I'm thankful for my friends Liz, Lisa and Des (we are collectively known as L3D) and for my friend Melissa. They've all been such a great help to me and wonderful. Simply wonderful that I don't know what I would do without any of them.
Become the crazy hermit lady that lives down at the bluffs perhaps XD
I am so very thankful for my family and my friends. I could not make it through the day without time spent with at least one of these people.
Congrats to all the Buzz Girls! I am also thankful for all the wonderful writers who give such amazing stories for people like me to escape into. Thank you!!
Happy anniversary Buzz Girls! What a busy three years it's been for all of you!
~ Vanessa
You bees look like you have so much fun when you get together!
My sister-in-law, my best friend, and my Mom are people that I am thankful for. These 3 women are all supportive, fun, and truly great people! I love when I am around them and when we have fun times and can reminisce about some of them.
~Meredith F.
rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com
I'm thankful for my family and my friends. And for all great books out there!
I'm thankful for my family. Now that I'm at school I don't get to see them. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Aww, you girls all look beautiful! It's lovely reading all these anniversary posts :)
I'm thankful for my mother, because she's the one who's stuck by me through everything and never once left me stranded, she's always there for me. And I'm thankful for the higher powers (whoever or whatever they may be!) for helping me find myself again... and I'm thankful to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, to touch and to breathe in the beautiful essence of life. Being alive and LIVING is truly an amazing blessing that I am extremely thankful for!
I am thankful to my boyfriend for sticking around when times were harder!
6 years anniversary soon yay!
I am thank for to my kids, they make my life important....
I could get all embarrasing and gushy about all the people I am thankful for, so I think I'll keep it light and say I am thankful for my Facebook friends who play Scrabble with me because sometimes I really need that kinda break!
I'm thankful for my colleagues who make teaching high school the best job in the whole world. The great kids probably deserve a little of that thanks, too! I wake up every morning excited about the challenges ahead that day (once I've convinced myself that I really DO have to get up!). I'm also thankful for all the wonderful YA writers who make it easy to to confidently hand a reluctant reader a book and say, "Trust me. It's good!" You've helped turn many a non-reader into a book junkie!
Aww... Steph! What a sweet post. I am thankful for the Bees, too. It's true that you need good friends through the ups and downs of being a writer -- and just being a human, in general.
Thanksful for my family and my amazing best friends!and that they are all in good health
I'm thankful for my family.They've been there through the good and the rough times,especially my sisters.
I'm thankful to my crit partners for always being encouraging and letting me whine when I need to.
Chiming in late here, due to a temperamental internet connection!
I'm thankful for chocolate, and cheese, and butter. I'm grateful that my hubby is so supportive. And I'm thankful that my favorite authors write books!
I really grateful for my mom who is always there for me and supports me.
Congrats ladies!!
I'm thankful that I've met so many wonderful, supportive writers over the last year because it has helped me through the ups and downs of getting my first book done. I'm also thankful for those friends and family members that have supported me through this adventure :-)
Lovely post. Happy Anniversary!
I'm grateful to those who
love/care/inspire/push/dare me to be a better person/wife/mom/friend/daughter/sister/writer.
I'm thankful for two best friends for being by my side when my family is not around.
I am thankful for my husband, he puts up with me. That can be a big job.
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