It's becoming even easier to be in a book club. They seem to be cropping up all over the country in neighborhoods, libraries, and of course, bookstores. Today I heard about a new site that not only sells books in e-formats, but allows you to form a book club with other readers of the book across the country. A virtual book club. How cool is that?
It's called Bookglutton.com.
I think that would be cool to be in a book club - even if it was virtual and you met online instead of in someone's cozy house with cookies or other yummies. Or maybe not - is part of the charm of a book club that you meet, eat, discuss, argue, and enjoy books in person? What does the face-to-face interaction add to a book club.
I've never been in a book club; in fact -- the closest experience I've had to a book club is enjoying reading about one in Honey, Baby, Sweetheart by Deb Caletti, where the heroine visits her mother's book group, The "Casserole Queens." The readers form a bond, go on an adventure, change a life - all in a subplot of the book.
What do you guys think? Have you been in a book club? Would you join one online?
The Clearing - HMH April 2010
Never Cry Werewolf - Harperteen Sept 2009
I get invited to book clubs fairly regularly and wish I had time to join. I'd definitely be more into one where we get together at someone's home and have yummy food.
The Women of Microsoft Bookclub actually had my book be the January 08 pick of the month and invited me to come speak...it was awesome!
I love getting together with my book club. We don't get to do it as often as we used to though.
I do book clubs with my students at school, and this year I just started doing on-line book clubs with them. It has been a lot of fun.
I would love to be in a book club with other adults though. I have never had a chance for a face to face book club group with adults.
I've never been in a book club, but I've thought about it. I definitely need to read more than I do! But I just don't know if I want to read what someone else tells me to. Takes me back to bad school memories.
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