Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Do You Hulu?

TV viewing has gone through a lot of changes since I graduated from high school. First there were TV shows on DVD (totally unheard of the early 90s), followed quickly by NetFlix home delivery. Then there were DVRs which, to be honest, I totally did not get at first. Now I can't imaging not being able to record something while I'm away or to pause if I have to run get my dog off the fence (it happens).

When I was in grad school at Tufts, with no TV in my room, I was grateful for iTunes and their supply of Survivor episodes. (They save me from a lot of winter- and study-induced insanity.)

But now there is something new. Something better. Something totally free. Hulu!

Basically Hulu is a website were networks can stream there clips, interviews, and complete episodes. They don't always include all the episodes from every season, but some are better than none, right? Some popular new shows are there (like Psych, Dollhouse, and Glee) as well as some classic faves (like Inspector Gadget, Three Moons Over Milford, and Buffy). Just click and view. So easy.

What about you? Do you Hulu?


Oh. My. Gods. and Goddess Boot Camp (out now!)
Forgive My Fins (coming June 1, 2010)


Ella Preuss said...

it's not available outside the US :`(

~Jamie said...

heh. I hulu so much that I actually downloaded playon.tv so I could watch it on my television... soon I won't even have cable. I LOVE hulu!

Sherry Ficklin said...

Hulu saves my sanity! I'm too busy in the evenings to sit and watch a lot of tv, so I catch up on hulu after the kiddos head to school in the morning!

Heather Davis said...

Yep -- it's a beautiful thing to be able to watch shows you've missed. I think there will be more services like Hulu to some...


Wendy Toliver said...

thanks for sharing! believe it or not I haven't ever tried it out.