Yes, the little guy with stubby legs, a TV for a head and wicked antennae is my crush this week. Men, women, bands, and inanimate objects, no one is safe from my crush of the week. What can I say, I'm fickle.
But if you have TIVO, or a DVR, I know, you know, what I mean. Here we are in the honeymoon stage of fall programming. How is a girl supposed to write books, blog, promote herself online, and take care of her offspring without missing the newest episode of Survivor? I'm telling you I could never go back to TV without TIVO. Hate commercials? Just click that fast forward button three times and you whiz right through the millions of advertising dollars spent trying to get you to buy a bunch of crap you don't need anyway. Did someone have the nerve to call during The Class, you are watching this, aren't you? You can pause live TV. LIVE TV, PEOPLE!
So even though I was a bit miffed last week when TIVO didn't automatically tape Ugly Betty for me after I forgot to put it on my season pass when I pulled up my list and saw that TIVO had lovingly taped an old LIFETIME movie that I had been wanting to see again, all was forgiven. So it got me thinking...
Too bad life can't be more like TIVO. Wouldn't it be great to rewind the first magical kiss with your beloved? How about fast forwarding through all of those visits with your mother in law? Getting the call from your agent that your book sold, REWIND! Massive revisions, FAST FORWARD! Your wedding day, REWIND! The birth of your child, REWIND after you've FAST FORWARDED through the labor of course!
I suppose it wouldn't be healthy to keep reliving the past, but boy, it sure would be fun sometimes. What would you rewind or fast forward?
I love recording shows on my media center. This year I've grown hooked on to Six Degrees, Heroes (despite the hideous acting) and The Nine (ditto).
For real life, I would rewind every date I've ever had with my husband, the day I got my first job and the day I got my agent. Those were the happiest days I can think of.
I would FF all the waiting for my books to get sold, the revisons, and the re-waiting :)
I have to get some of this technology especially now that it's hockey season and I'm flipping between games and TV shows. Try watching hockey, UGLY BETTY and MY NAME IS EARL all at the same time. It was exhausting.
If I could rewind...I'd say I'd replay first kisses. Those are the best. Of course, the first kiss with the hubby...but in general, all those great first kiss moments. I'm a sucker for a good kiss.
I got new carpeting in last night and the guys didn't set up my Tivo correctly so it didn't tape Survivor. Who got kicked off?
I haven't watched it yet. Will let you know when I do. I'd tape it for you but my youngest jammed a block into our VCR and broke it.
Oh, yes, I'd like to rewind and relive some first kisses, dates with my husband, signing with my agent, The Call.
Then I'd like to fast forward through my childbirthing labors and pause at the moment the nurse put each child into my arms for the first time.
And we don't have TIVO, but it's on my want list...
Tivo is like Caller ID. Before you get it you think "I don't really need it" but after you get it you can't imagine how you could live without it.
Simone, it was the volleyball guy. I was at my bro's house and he had Tivo-ed Survivor, luckily.
As for the moments to rewind. I do that in my mind already. I go back to a day last summer when I was lying in the grass after eating wild strawberries, just gazing up at the blue sky. It's like a visual mantra. Or the day I first spoke to my agent on the phone and knew he was the one for me. Ahh...
As for the FF -- plenty of those to choose from. :)
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