Hello there! I'm Wendy Toliver, the new Buzz Girl. I'm so happy to bee here! I've been reading the Books, Boys, Buzz blog since its inception and have enjoyed every minute of it. Back in 2007, I was lucky enough to have been chosen to moderate the workshop the Buzz Girls presented at the RWA National Conference. Top row: Marley, awesome YA author Sara Hantz, moi; Bottom row: Simone, Heather, Dona, and Tera. If Steph and Tina were in this photo, it would be complete!

Since I am a YA author, you probably guessed I love reading and writing. That's true. And I also love visiting schools and presenting workshops and speeches at writers' conferences. Last year, I was asked to present the luncheon keynote speech for the League of Utah Writers. At first, I was nervous because, let's face it, I'm not nearly as famous or accomplished as most authors who are and my poor husband had to listen to me talk about it for the rest of the drive home. handed the keynote mic. So I decided I had to come up with something completely different. But try as I might, I couldn't come up with anything brilliantly unique. Then, on a long drive home from the RWA National Conference in San Francisco, delirious from lack of sleep, the idea hit me,
You know how some cell phone plans have a "Fave Five" option? Well, I took that idea as the basis of my speech and chose celebs we all know to represent the five people in the world who have helped me become a published author. 1.) Jay Leno was the friend who kept me in the publishing industry loops and updating me on changes. 2.) Randy from American Idol was my critique partn
er, offering me constructive criticism and helping me hone my craft. 3.) Lance Armstrong kept me from feeling sorry for myself when I received rejections or seemed to be getting nowhere, and 4.) Paris Hilton was my friend who partied with me whenever I had even the smallest of successes. And what Fave Five group would be complete without Oprah (who, of course, remains to be called, but the fact that she's on my Fave Five means it could happen!) LOL!

I remember looking around the audience and getting a lot of "What the heck is going on?" and "You've got to be kidding!" looks when I started my speech and my cell phone rang (It was Jay Leno, calling to tell me he heard my dream agent was in town.) and I answered it! And that's how I started my first-ever keynote speech. To this day, people might not know who I am, but if they were in that conference room that day, they remember my crazy speech. I hope the point of my speech also stayed with them, which was that no matter how talented you are, and how solitary a writing career sometimes seems, you still need friends. Friends you can call on whenever you need to brainstorm, vent, cry, ask questions, or pop that cork on a bottle of champagne.
That's why I'm so delighted to bee a Buzz Girl. I've had the pleasure of meeting Dona, Tera, Heath, Marley, Steph, and Tina and reading their amazing books, and though I alr
eady consider each of them my friend, I am excited to get to know them even better, just as you have by being a Books, Boys, Buzz blog reader.

Since you probably don't know much about me (yet), this week you're going to learn more than you've ever wanted to know. In turn, each Buzz Girl is going to post something about me or my books. You'll want to comment on the posts because a lucky blog reader is going to receive a $10 Borders Gift Card, which can be used online or in a Borders or Waldenbooks store near you. I'll select the winner the old-fashioned way, by drawing a name out of a hat. If you comment all 7 days, you'll have 7 entries! The winner will be announced on my post Sunday, Jan. 10.
Hooray, Wendy! We're so glad to have you here. Like I keep saying, 2010 is going to be a very exciting year.
Hey Wendy, how exciting that you're now one of the Buzz Girls!!!
It was so cool to meet you all in San Fran. I'm planning NYC in 2011, so hope to meet you all again.
What an amazing first post, Wendy! We are so happy to have you as our new bee!
Yay, Wendy! So glad to have you here! And I LOVED hearing about your speech!
Hi Wendy! Loving this post :)
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
Hi Wendy! Great post
Welcome, Wendy! We are thrilled to have you. Can't wait to read this week's posts and get to know you better. ;)
Welcome Wendy! I look forward to "get to know you" and to hear more about your books!
Hi Wendy - awesome that you're the new bee. Love that poster btw :D
Welcome, Wendy! What a cute speech!
Yay Wendy! You are a wonderful addition to this fabulous blog. :-) So fun to see you here, honey!
Welcome aboard! Looks like this hive is rolling "lucky 7's" now that there are 7 queens! I look forward to "drone"-ing on and on with you and the rest of the girls around here.
Aw, thanks everybody! It is WONDERFUL to be here. :)
Wendy you continue to amaze me- U R such a delight. I love the name of the group, hehe BEE- a very important word and name. (that is a private joke between Wendy and me)U guys will have so much fun. I guess I won't have to contact this blog, hehe.
Keep on having fun.
Hello Wendy. Nice to meet you. I look forward to your posts :D
Welome! I am excited to hear more about you and your books this week!
Hey, Wendy, welcome. A really great post to start 2010. I have high hopes for this year...it's gonna be a ripper for all of us!
Looking forward to learning more from you and about you.
Maureen. www.thepizzagang.com
Welcome to the Buzz Girls Wendy! You are in such fab company and they are so lucky to have you! Yay!!! What a great addition.
thank you all so much! I can't wait to get to know you too!
Welcome Wendy, so nice to meet you.
You are an inspiration! Maybe it IS possible! :)
Yeah!!!!! Welcome to my critique partner and wonderful friend, Wendy! Great to have you buzzing around with us! Hugs!
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